This man has an alias of Michael Ray "The Artist" and goes from town to town across the country posting ads on craigslist to find potential talent to photograph. He claims he had something to do with casting for Transformers 2 and Bad Boys 2. Hence the name Michael Ray, like Michael Bay from Transformers. My run in with him was like any other young girl hoping to become a model. He ran an "audition" with the craigslist repliers in a penthouse at the Palms in Las Vegas where he mocked every person that came in after they left. "So fat. Never make it. What is she/he thinking". He ran his scam lie that I had something different and wanted to take my portfolio for 1800 dollars. Stupidly I signed a contract stating I pay a deposit and he would charge the rest after I made money from gigs. He took my pictures and never called me again. I paid money and he never gave me any pictures or contact again. Please don't fall into the same scam situation as me.
Las Vegas, Nevada