Michelle Lenette Prince

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Category: Other

Contact Information
2648 Devonshire Ct., Denver, Colorado, United States

Phone number: 1(303)289-8650

Michelle Lenette Prince Reviews

Luxxor International Group, LLC December 17, 2009
False Accusations!!!! Corporate Sabotage... What a great reference for your clients to see
This person has vengefully placed fradulent accustaions against my firm!!! An attorney... so convinient for her to conduct her self in such a manner. I guess the state bar allows people of such ethics to work in our community. Sad, Sad, Sad... But I will speak out!!! And this is the truth, I have included correspondence between she and I. Her allegations ARE FALSE!!! Enjoy the show...

To first list, this lady goes by the username "Don't Fall for It" and was a potential client that was indeed contacted in reference to her timeshare unit. Now, Being a business owner, I find it not only unnecessary to post irrelevant remarks about a firm that you have never recieved services from, but to remmit unnecessary slander. You have never recieved our services and yet willingly, you visit a site and post not 1 remark but 3. You being an ATTORNEY should have more knowledge than to initiate slander towards a Corporation. Please do keep in mind that there is an extremely thin line between Freedom of Speech, and Slander. And Yes, our firm incorporated in May 28, 2009 and anyone who is interested in viewing it may visit http://www.sunbiz.org at any given time, it is public record. And yes, our MAILING ADDRESS, is at a local UPS store in the city in which our firm is located. We do reserve the right to have a mailing address linked with our firm. There are no laws restricting it as well as nothing that would have an affect on any of our clients. As I said, It is truly saddening that an ATTORNEY would come on this site and initiate remarks towards a company that she has no knowledge of, nor legitimate experience with. I do believe that they teach you ethics in Law School... Mrs. Michelle Lenette Prince. Attorney Registration#: 30978, Filed 10/25/1999, Seventeenth Judicial District, State of Colorado Bar Association. 1625 Broadway, STE. 2300, Denver, CO 80202. 1(303)623-1131, Adams/Broomsfield Bar Association. Graduated JD, University of Colorado, 1999. 2648 Devonshire Ct. Denver, CO 80229, 1(303)289-8650. Oh, and to confirm, there is nothing preventing me from placing this information here, as the law likes to call it..."Public Record". Being an attorney you should have stated your real name in this posting unless you had something to hide, and I do believe that is the case. I demand that you Cease and Desist of all further false allegations towards our firm. If this demand is not met then my firm may be forced to withtake further action towards the aforementioned: Defamtion of Character: The act in which you state false information either verbally or written intentionally put forth to harm ones person or reputation. As well as you will be pursued for: Corporate Sabotage: Intentional obstruction of an activity, or willful and malicious destruction of other's reputation. As well as including FRADULENT ACCUSATIONS. So as previously stated, Cease and Desist any further comments towards our firm. As well as for reference, you previously stated that I had provided you with the information that we had sold Thousands of Timeshares through our firm. Which indeed is not true due to the length that we have been incorporated, that would be impossible. Now, how you had created a notion of such myth is beyond my knowledge. One more statement before I end this tedious response, you mentioned in one of your complaints that you were to make public of the emails that corresponded between you and I. Just to inform, that by law, those emails are intended for the sole purpose of the reciever to view of them and not to be made public in any such way. Now if you wish to make them public then that is your choice, my firm has not a thing to keep secret. But you should also include your corresponding emails with the oh- so- obvious forms of Slander and Defamation of Character written right their in plain L' Englais (English). If you continue to initiate further commentation, then by law, you will face the consequences. Please Re- think your ILLOGICAL practices. And as I said in our last email... "I choose not to surface my practices around negative energy, and PLEASE, no response is necessary". I am assuming that you did not retain that the first time I told you... or you just have nothing else that consumes your time. May I rehiterate, no reponse is needed, nor prefered. I have your information and if I continue to see a trend in your actions and remarks then I will pursue not only you, but the firm that you are representing. Its very sad that they would allow a person of such low-ethics to represent their firm (Ruegsegger, Simons, Smith & Stein, LLC). I would hope that you have the intellegence to meet my demands IMMEDIATLY.


Amy Brooke Wilkerson
President/ CEO
Luxxor International Group, LLC

**B Rating with the BBB
**Dunns and Bradstreet Accredited

3936 South Semoran Blvd.
Orlando, Fl 32822

1(888)527-1332 Toll- Free
1(888)878-9431 Fax
Luxxor International Group, LLC December 17, 2009
Corporate Sabotage, Slander, Defamation of Character..... An Attorney.... How convinient is that?
Mrs. Michelle Lenette Prince... Mabe This will settle things... How about I just provide the corresponding emails for you and CORRECT the whole thing for you. I have nothing to hide, oh, and for reference its seems like you have been coming on the same days and posting toward the same company but nothing else. Doesn't that seem SUSPICIOUS??? And not revealing your true name... but only an alias. Please Refer Below:


<[email protected]>
toLuxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>

dateFri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:32 PM
subjectRE: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 11 (6 days ago)

Ms. Wilkerson,

I have reviewed the contract and it differs materially from what you said to me on the phone. It was my understanding from our telephone conversation that your customer/client is a buyer who has already expressed interest in buying the property and that I am only the seller to whose ad you were responding. I did not expect or agree to sign a contract as a customer/client of Luxxor. I am simply a seller willing to sell my property to the client you said you already had who is interested in my resort. I only intend to sign the final contract of sale.

Additionally, I have questions about your statements on the phone. I do not understand what the $999.00 fee is paying for. As you said in your initial email to me through the MLS listing, you have a client interested in buying my property. You said on the telephone that you take a commission from the buyer and that you were not a traditional timeshare marketing company. If you are simply acting as an agent for your client (the buyer) who will be responsible for paying commission, then why is it necessary for me to pay anything? What service are you providing to me that I should pay you $999.00? I did not seek your assistance and am more than willing to continue directly listing my property on free and low cost sites without the assistance of a third party marketer. You also said on the phone that one-half of the fee would be returned to me with the sale proceeds. If that is the case, why do I need to pay that portion of the fee at all and why can't you deduct the other half from the proceeds of the sale? If the $499.50 that will not be refunded is intended to cover closing costs that I'm expected to pay, then I will of course pay that--as $500 is a comparatively small price to pay for a $10k sale. However, I want to select the closing company and pay it directly.

Also this email message (and your website) does not state how long this company has been in business or its years/level of experience. Please provide that information.

Thank you
Michelle Prince

From: Luxxor International Group Inc [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 5:55 PM
To: Michelle Prince
Subject: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

- Show quoted text -
Get Cash for your Timeshare Now!!!

Luxxor International Group, the Leading Provider in Todays' Real Estate Marketing Solutions.

Thank-you for choosing Luxxor International Group, LLC we are pleased to assist you in selling your vacation property very quickly and for a considerable profit. Founded by a timeshare veteran, Luxxor International Group exceeds the expected potential in selling and renting Vacation Units. With a track record as good as ours, you would not go wrong with choosing our firm to sell your timeshare through.

Upon receiving our services you will be offered many incentives, as well as a 6 Month Money Back Guarantee!! Which means, if you receive reasonable offers within our 6 month timeframe, we will refund your money 100% (no questions asked). So you have absolutely no risk at all!!

Luxxor International Group is built on the belief that clients come first. Our firm will provide you with superior service as well as top dollar on your vacation property. For more information on our firm or to receive a free quote on selling your timeshare, you may contact us at 1-888-527-1332 or on the web at http://www.luxxorrealestatesolutions.com.

Below is the required fee that has been quoted to you based on your preferences.
Attatched is our property registration contract, please fill in your property information, sign, and send back to our firm. Once we recieve your docuements, within 48 hours your service will begin. As an incentive, you will alo recieve a $600.00 Gas and grocerey rebate along with a complimentary cruise vacation at no cost to you.

FEE: $999.00

Thank you for your Business,

Amy Wilkerson
Luxxor International Group Inc


<[email protected]>
toMichelle Prince <[email protected]>

dateFri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:51 PM
subjectRe: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 11 (6 days ago)


As I specified to you, that is our standard contract and is intended only for you to obtain the written version of our refund policy. There is a family that would be interested in purchasing the unit and that was the what I told you yesterday. And yes you would have to pay our fee for brokering this deal for you as well as handling the closings. Listing your timeshare on useless websites will never help you sell it. If that wasnt the case then you and I would not be speaking. Our official contracts for the sale will only be sent once you have specified that you are going to sell your property through our firm. That is for confidential reasons. The fee that you pay is a broker fee as well as a security hold to ensure that you do not up and decide half way through the closing that you are not interested anymore, that is why half will be refunded into your proceeds. My firm is trying to help you, you do have the option to keep listing the timeshare on "low- cost websites" but you will continue to have to pay your maintenance fees. Please get back with me and let me know your decsion.



<[email protected]>
toLuxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>

dateFri, Dec 11, 2009 at 7:06 PM
subjectRE: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 11 (6 days ago)

Iwill sign a contract agreeing to let you withhold your fee from the proceeds of the sale. I will designate and contact a title company of my choosing to handle the closing and pay all closing costs directly to that company. That way I can be assured that I won't be paying money without an iron clad guarantee that I am going to actually get money for the definite sale of the property. I do not want to be in a situation where I pay you $1, 000 dollars and then have nothing happen for six months. As I am sure you're aware there are numerous marketing and resale companies who take people's money verbally guaranteeing a sale but in writing only guarantee efforts to try to sale and never manage to actually sell the property. Since you already have a buyer willing to pay $10, 000 and just needs a unit in their price range (which I have), there is very little risk to you in agreeing to take your fee from the proceeds of that sale. Meanwhile, there is substantial risk to me. I run the risk of paying you $1000 before I get any money from a sale, still paying my maintenance fees, possibly never seeing any money from a sale, and then having to wait six months to get the $1, 000 back. I really don't have $1, 000 to pay you now but will let you deduct it from the sale proceeds. You found my listing on one of those "useless sites." I am hardpressed to believe this site is useless as it has already attracted your client's attention. I have bought and sold real estate before. Never have I had to pay a broker who responded to my MLS listing before the sale was actually complete.

From: Luxxor International Group Inc [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 2:51 PM
To: Michelle Prince
Subject: Re: Follow Up on Your Inquiry


My buyer has not pulled interest off of your listing. I have contacted you with my clients interest. The best that I can tell you is that our money back guarantee is written in clear black and white. And as far a the closing costs, you wouldnt have to pay those. The company that we would go through would be Timeshare Closing Services. So if you are not paying then it would not matter either way. But as I said, you would be required to pay our fee. No other resale company offer this type of secured deal. You can even call Remax and Century 21 and ask them to sell your timeshare and they will require a fee with no type of guarantee what-so-ever. Just a marketing deal. So as I said, it will only be done one way, there is no negotiations what-so-ever. I have other clients who would be willing to sell their unit and would be willing to work under our terms with no problems. And to inform, without me contacting you, I highly doubt that some random person would even consider purchasing a timeshare offline without even visiting the place. Just let me know what you want to do... its either a yes I want to sell, or no. But our business model will not be changed to accomodate any doubts that you may have.


[email protected]

toLuxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>

ccMe <[email protected]>

dateSun, Dec 13, 2009 at 4:11 PM
subjectRe: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 13 (4 days ago)

It was my understanding when you contacted me in response to my MLS listing it was for the purpose of making an offer for that property on behalf of a client NOT to solicit me as a client in order to market and sell my property on my behalf. Under those circumstances, it should not require six months for the transaction to complete nor should I be required to wait six months for a refund if the specific sale for which you contacted me should somehow fall through. I should be entitled to an immediate refund if the buyer backed out. You may have other clients who are comfortable with this illogical practice so feel free to use one of them. It is quite obvious that you contacted me under false pretenses and I do not do business with people who misrepresent.

Incidentally I checked on sunbiz.org and your articles of organization were filed in May 2009. I question the credibility of your representation that your company has been doing business for years.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

From: Luxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 19:21:50 -0500
To: Michelle Prince<[email protected]>


<[email protected]>
[email protected]

dateSun, Dec 13, 2009 at 4:37 PM
subjectRe: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 13 (4 days ago)

You are under the presumption that I have misrepresented. Our firm was reinstated in 2009, so it shows up on sunbiz as just that. We do have clientele who are interested in buying, now whether you wish to proceed, that it is your choice. However, do not consider our business model as an illogical practice. That would be illogical for you to make such false assumptions. I do wish you luck in releasing yourself of the timeshare. But I do not wish to proceed with this transaction. I choose not to suface my practices around negative energy. No reply necessary.


-Amy Wilkerson


Mrs. Prince, I do not think that you have any leverage what-so-ever. So you should kindly go on with your career in being an Attorney, Again, Cease and Desist Further Commentation. I have put you in your place and I have cleared my firm's name. This is exactly what I said with exact dates and where and whom it went to. If you choose to continue the above stated allegations then you may in turn affect your current career. I don't believe that the state bar promotes ignorance.

I do not mind either that my future clients may see this, because I have at least cleared up the false allegations that you have made... So by the way... where did I state that we sold THOUSANDS OF TIMEHARES. I do believe that you need to retake your english class once again.


Yours Truly...

Amy Wilkerson
President/ CEO
Luxxor International Group, LLC
Luxxor International Group, LLC December 17, 2009
Illogical and Fraudulent Accusations
This comment is in reference to the above stated complaint...

To first list, this person "Don't Fall for It" was a potential client that was indeed contacted in reference to her timeshare unit. Now, Being a business owner, I find it not only unnecessary to post irrelevant remarks about a firm that you have never recieved services from, but to remmit unnecessary slander. You have never recieved our services and yet willingly, you visit a site and post not 1 remark but 3. You being an ATTORNEY should have more knowledge than to initiate slander towards a Corporation. Please do keep in mind that there is an extremely thin line between Freedom of Speech, and Slander. And Yes, our firm incorporated in May 28, 2009 and anyone who is interested in viewing it may visit http://www.sunbiz.org at any given time, it is public record. And yes, our MAILING ADDRESS, is at a local UPS store in the city in which our firm is located. We do reserve the right to have a mailing address linked with our firm. There are no laws restricting it as well as nothing that would have an affect on any of our clients. As I said, It is truly saddening that an ATTORNEY would come on this site and initiate remarks towards a company that she has no knowledge of, nor legitimate experience with. I do believe that they teach you ethics in Law School... Mrs. Michelle Lenette Prince. Attorney Registration#: 30978, Filed 10/25/1999, Seventeenth Judicial District, State of Colorado Bar Association. 1625 Broadway, STE. 2300, Denver, CO 80202. 1(303)623-1131, Adams/Broomsfield Bar Association. Graduated JD, University of Colorado, 1999. 2648 Devonshire Ct. Denver, CO 80229, 1(303)289-8650. Oh, and to confirm, there is nothing preventing me from placing this information here, as the law likes to call it..."Public Record". Being an attorney you should have stated your real name in this posting unless you had something to hide, and I do believe that is the case. I demand that you Cease and Desist of all further false allegations towards our firm. If this demand is not met then my firm may be forced to withtake further action towards the aforementioned: Defamtion of Character: The act in which you state false information either verbally or written intentionally put forth to harm ones person or reputation. As well as you will be pursued for: Corporate Sabotage: Intentional obstruction of an activity, or willful and malicious destruction of other's reputation. As well as including FRADULENT ACCUSATIONS. So as previously stated, Cease and Desist any further comments towards our firm. As well as for reference, you previously stated that I had provided you with the information that we had sold Thousands of Timeshares through our firm. Which indeed is not true due to the length that we have been incorporated, that would be impossible. Now, how you had created a notion of such myth is beyond my knowledge. One more statement before I end this tedious response, you mentioned in one of your complaints that you were to make public of the emails that corresponded between you and I. Just to inform, that by law, those emails are intended for the sole purpose of the reciever to view of them and not to be made public in any such way. Now if you wish to make them public then that is your choice, my firm has not a thing to keep secret. But you should also include your corresponding emails with the oh- so- obvious forms of Slander and Defamation of Character written right their in plain L' Englais (English). If you continue to initiate further commentation, then by law, you will face the consequences. Please Re- think your ILLOGICAL practices. And as I said in our last email... "I choose not to surface my practices around negative energy, and PLEASE, no response is necessary". I am assuming that you did not retain that the first time I told you... or you just have nothing else that consumes your time. May I rehiterate, no reponse is needed, nor prefered. I have your information and if I continue to see a trend in your actions and remarks then I will pursue not only you, but the firm that you are representing. Its very sad that they would allow a person of such low-ethics to represent their firm (Ruegsegger, Simons, Smith & Stein, LLC). I would hope that you have the intellegence to meet my demands IMMEDIATLY.


Amy Brooke Wilkerson
President/ CEO
Luxxor International Group, LLC

**B Rating with the BBB
**Dunns and Bradstreet Accredited

3936 South Semoran Blvd.
Orlando, Fl 32822

1(888)527-1332 Toll- Free
1(888)878-9431 Fax
Luxxor International Group, LLC December 17, 2009
Actual Emails... Let me clear up your Fraudulent Accusations...
Mrs. Michelle Lenette Prince... Mabe This will settle things... How about I just provide the corresponding emails for you and CORRECT the whole thing for you. I have nothing to hide, oh, and for reference its seems like you have been coming on the same days and posting toward the same company but nothing else. Doesn't that seem SUSPICIOUS??? And not revealing your true name... but only an alias. Please Refer Below:


<[email protected]>
toLuxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>

dateFri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:32 PM
subjectRE: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 11 (6 days ago)

Ms. Wilkerson,

I have reviewed the contract and it differs materially from what you said to me on the phone. It was my understanding from our telephone conversation that your customer/client is a buyer who has already expressed interest in buying the property and that I am only the seller to whose ad you were responding. I did not expect or agree to sign a contract as a customer/client of Luxxor. I am simply a seller willing to sell my property to the client you said you already had who is interested in my resort. I only intend to sign the final contract of sale.

Additionally, I have questions about your statements on the phone. I do not understand what the $999.00 fee is paying for. As you said in your initial email to me through the MLS listing, you have a client interested in buying my property. You said on the telephone that you take a commission from the buyer and that you were not a traditional timeshare marketing company. If you are simply acting as an agent for your client (the buyer) who will be responsible for paying commission, then why is it necessary for me to pay anything? What service are you providing to me that I should pay you $999.00? I did not seek your assistance and am more than willing to continue directly listing my property on free and low cost sites without the assistance of a third party marketer. You also said on the phone that one-half of the fee would be returned to me with the sale proceeds. If that is the case, why do I need to pay that portion of the fee at all and why can't you deduct the other half from the proceeds of the sale? If the $499.50 that will not be refunded is intended to cover closing costs that I'm expected to pay, then I will of course pay that--as $500 is a comparatively small price to pay for a $10k sale. However, I want to select the closing company and pay it directly.

Also this email message (and your website) does not state how long this company has been in business or its years/level of experience. Please provide that information.

Thank you
Michelle Prince

From: Luxxor International Group Inc [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 5:55 PM
To: Michelle Prince
Subject: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

- Show quoted text -
Get Cash for your Timeshare Now!!!

Luxxor International Group, the Leading Provider in Todays' Real Estate Marketing Solutions.

Thank-you for choosing Luxxor International Group, LLC we are pleased to assist you in selling your vacation property very quickly and for a considerable profit. Founded by a timeshare veteran, Luxxor International Group exceeds the expected potential in selling and renting Vacation Units. With a track record as good as ours, you would not go wrong with choosing our firm to sell your timeshare through.

Upon receiving our services you will be offered many incentives, as well as a 6 Month Money Back Guarantee!! Which means, if you receive reasonable offers within our 6 month timeframe, we will refund your money 100% (no questions asked). So you have absolutely no risk at all!!

Luxxor International Group is built on the belief that clients come first. Our firm will provide you with superior service as well as top dollar on your vacation property. For more information on our firm or to receive a free quote on selling your timeshare, you may contact us at 1-888-527-1332 or on the web at http://www.luxxorrealestatesolutions.com.

Below is the required fee that has been quoted to you based on your preferences.
Attatched is our property registration contract, please fill in your property information, sign, and send back to our firm. Once we recieve your docuements, within 48 hours your service will begin. As an incentive, you will alo recieve a $600.00 Gas and grocerey rebate along with a complimentary cruise vacation at no cost to you.

FEE: $999.00

Thank you for your Business,

Amy Wilkerson
Luxxor International Group Inc


<[email protected]>
toMichelle Prince <[email protected]>

dateFri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:51 PM
subjectRe: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 11 (6 days ago)


As I specified to you, that is our standard contract and is intended only for you to obtain the written version of our refund policy. There is a family that would be interested in purchasing the unit and that was the what I told you yesterday. And yes you would have to pay our fee for brokering this deal for you as well as handling the closings. Listing your timeshare on useless websites will never help you sell it. If that wasnt the case then you and I would not be speaking. Our official contracts for the sale will only be sent once you have specified that you are going to sell your property through our firm. That is for confidential reasons. The fee that you pay is a broker fee as well as a security hold to ensure that you do not up and decide half way through the closing that you are not interested anymore, that is why half will be refunded into your proceeds. My firm is trying to help you, you do have the option to keep listing the timeshare on "low- cost websites" but you will continue to have to pay your maintenance fees. Please get back with me and let me know your decsion.



<[email protected]>
toLuxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>

dateFri, Dec 11, 2009 at 7:06 PM
subjectRE: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 11 (6 days ago)

Iwill sign a contract agreeing to let you withhold your fee from the proceeds of the sale. I will designate and contact a title company of my choosing to handle the closing and pay all closing costs directly to that company. That way I can be assured that I won't be paying money without an iron clad guarantee that I am going to actually get money for the definite sale of the property. I do not want to be in a situation where I pay you $1, 000 dollars and then have nothing happen for six months. As I am sure you're aware there are numerous marketing and resale companies who take people's money verbally guaranteeing a sale but in writing only guarantee efforts to try to sale and never manage to actually sell the property. Since you already have a buyer willing to pay $10, 000 and just needs a unit in their price range (which I have), there is very little risk to you in agreeing to take your fee from the proceeds of that sale. Meanwhile, there is substantial risk to me. I run the risk of paying you $1000 before I get any money from a sale, still paying my maintenance fees, possibly never seeing any money from a sale, and then having to wait six months to get the $1, 000 back. I really don't have $1, 000 to pay you now but will let you deduct it from the sale proceeds. You found my listing on one of those "useless sites." I am hardpressed to believe this site is useless as it has already attracted your client's attention. I have bought and sold real estate before. Never have I had to pay a broker who responded to my MLS listing before the sale was actually complete.

From: Luxxor International Group Inc [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 2:51 PM
To: Michelle Prince
Subject: Re: Follow Up on Your Inquiry


My buyer has not pulled interest off of your listing. I have contacted you with my clients interest. The best that I can tell you is that our money back guarantee is written in clear black and white. And as far a the closing costs, you wouldnt have to pay those. The company that we would go through would be Timeshare Closing Services. So if you are not paying then it would not matter either way. But as I said, you would be required to pay our fee. No other resale company offer this type of secured deal. You can even call Remax and Century 21 and ask them to sell your timeshare and they will require a fee with no type of guarantee what-so-ever. Just a marketing deal. So as I said, it will only be done one way, there is no negotiations what-so-ever. I have other clients who would be willing to sell their unit and would be willing to work under our terms with no problems. And to inform, without me contacting you, I highly doubt that some random person would even consider purchasing a timeshare offline without even visiting the place. Just let me know what you want to do... its either a yes I want to sell, or no. But our business model will not be changed to accomodate any doubts that you may have.


[email protected]

toLuxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>

ccMe <[email protected]>

dateSun, Dec 13, 2009 at 4:11 PM
subjectRe: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 13 (4 days ago)

It was my understanding when you contacted me in response to my MLS listing it was for the purpose of making an offer for that property on behalf of a client NOT to solicit me as a client in order to market and sell my property on my behalf. Under those circumstances, it should not require six months for the transaction to complete nor should I be required to wait six months for a refund if the specific sale for which you contacted me should somehow fall through. I should be entitled to an immediate refund if the buyer backed out. You may have other clients who are comfortable with this illogical practice so feel free to use one of them. It is quite obvious that you contacted me under false pretenses and I do not do business with people who misrepresent.

Incidentally I checked on sunbiz.org and your articles of organization were filed in May 2009. I question the credibility of your representation that your company has been doing business for years.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

From: Luxxor International Group Inc <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 19:21:50 -0500
To: Michelle Prince<[email protected]>


<[email protected]>
[email protected]

dateSun, Dec 13, 2009 at 4:37 PM
subjectRe: Follow Up on Your Inquiry

hide details Dec 13 (4 days ago)

You are under the presumption that I have misrepresented. Our firm was reinstated in 2009, so it shows up on sunbiz as just that. We do have clientele who are interested in buying, now whether you wish to proceed, that it is your choice. However, do not consider our business model as an illogical practice. That would be illogical for you to make such false assumptions. I do wish you luck in releasing yourself of the timeshare. But I do not wish to proceed with this transaction. I choose not to suface my practices around negative energy. No reply necessary.


-Amy Wilkerson


Mrs. Prince, I do not think that you have any leverage what-so-ever. So you should kindly go on with your career in being an Attorney, Again, Cease and Desist Further Commentation. I have put you in your place and I have cleared my firm's name. This is exactly what I said with exact dates and where and whom it went to. If you choose to continue the above stated allegations then you may in turn affect your current career. I don't believe that the state bar promotes ignorance.

I do not mind either that my future clients may see this, because I have at least cleared up the false allegations that you have made... So by the way... where did I state that we sold THOUSANDS OF TIMEHARES. I do believe that you need to retake your english class once again.


Yours Truly...

Amy Wilkerson
President/ CEO
Luxxor International Group, LLC
Luxxor International Group, LLC December 17, 2009
Fraudlent and Illogical Accusations
Attorney Slanders A Firm She Knows NOTHING ABOUT!!!

To first list, this person goes by the username "Don't Fall for It" and was a potential client that was indeed contacted in reference to her timeshare unit. Now, Being a business owner, I find it not only unnecessary to post irrelevant remarks about a firm that you have never recieved services from, but to remmit unnecessary slander. You have never recieved our services and yet willingly, you visit a site and post not 1 remark but 3. You being an ATTORNEY should have more knowledge than to initiate slander towards a Corporation. Please do keep in mind that there is an extremely thin line between Freedom of Speech, and Slander. And Yes, our firm incorporated in May 28, 2009 and anyone who is interested in viewing it may visit http://www.sunbiz.org at any given time, it is public record. And yes, our MAILING ADDRESS, is at a local UPS store in the city in which our firm is located. We do reserve the right to have a mailing address linked with our firm. There are no laws restricting it as well as nothing that would have an affect on any of our clients. As I said, It is truly saddening that an ATTORNEY would come on this site and initiate remarks towards a company that she has no knowledge of, nor legitimate experience with. I do believe that they teach you ethics in Law School... Mrs. Michelle Lenette Prince. Attorney Registration#: 30978, Filed 10/25/1999, Seventeenth Judicial District, State of Colorado Bar Association. 1625 Broadway, STE. 2300, Denver, CO 80202. 1(303)623-1131, Adams/Broomsfield Bar Association. Graduated JD, University of Colorado, 1999. 2648 Devonshire Ct. Denver, CO 80229, 1(303)289-8650. Oh, and to confirm, there is nothing preventing me from placing this information here, as the law likes to call it..."Public Record". Being an attorney you should have stated your real name in this posting unless you had something to hide, and I do believe that is the case. I demand that you Cease and Desist of all further false allegations towards our firm. If this demand is not met then my firm may be forced to withtake further action towards the aforementioned: Defamtion of Character: The act in which you state false information either verbally or written intentionally put forth to harm ones person or reputation. As well as you will be pursued for: Corporate Sabotage: Intentional obstruction of an activity, or willful and malicious destruction of other's reputation. As well as including FRADULENT ACCUSATIONS. So as previously stated, Cease and Desist any further comments towards our firm. As well as for reference, you previously stated that I had provided you with the information that we had sold Thousands of Timeshares through our firm. Which indeed is not true due to the length that we have been incorporated, that would be impossible. Now, how you had created a notion of such myth is beyond my knowledge. One more statement before I end this tedious response, you mentioned in one of your complaints that you were to make public of the emails that corresponded between you and I. Just to inform, that by law, those emails are intended for the sole purpose of the reciever to view of them and not to be made public in any such way. Now if you wish to make them public then that is your choice, my firm has not a thing to keep secret. But you should also include your corresponding emails with the oh- so- obvious forms of Slander and Defamation of Character written right their in plain L' Englais (English). If you continue to initiate further commentation, then by law, you will face the consequences. Please Re- think your ILLOGICAL practices. And as I said in our last email... "I choose not to surface my practices around negative energy, and PLEASE, no response is necessary". I am assuming that you did not retain that the first time I told you... or you just have nothing else that consumes your time. May I rehiterate, no reponse is needed, nor prefered. I have your information and if I continue to see a trend in your actions and remarks then I will pursue not only you, but the firm that you are representing. Its very sad that they would allow a person of such low-ethics to represent their firm (Ruegsegger, Simons, Smith & Stein, LLC). I would hope that you have the intellegence to meet my demands IMMEDIATLY.


Amy Brooke Wilkerson
President/ CEO
Luxxor International Group, LLC

**B Rating with the BBB
**Dunns and Bradstreet Accredited

3936 South Semoran Blvd.
Orlando, Fl 32822

1(888)527-1332 Toll- Free
1(888)878-9431 Fax
Luxxor International Group, LLC December 17, 2009
False Allegations, Slander, Defamation of Character
Attorney Slanders A Firm She Knows NOTHING ABOUT!!!

To first list, this person goes by the username "Don't Fall for It" and was a potential client that was indeed contacted in reference to her timeshare unit. Now, Being a business owner, I find it not only unnecessary to post irrelevant remarks about a firm that you have never recieved services from, but to remmit unnecessary slander. You have never recieved our services and yet willingly, you visit a site and post not 1 remark but 3. You being an ATTORNEY should have more knowledge than to initiate slander towards a Corporation. Please do keep in mind that there is an extremely thin line between Freedom of Speech, and Slander. And Yes, our firm incorporated in May 28, 2009 and anyone who is interested in viewing it may visit http://www.sunbiz.org at any given time, it is public record. And yes, our MAILING ADDRESS, is at a local UPS store in the city in which our firm is located. We do reserve the right to have a mailing address linked with our firm. There are no laws restricting it as well as nothing that would have an affect on any of our clients. As I said, It is truly saddening that an ATTORNEY would come on this site and initiate remarks towards a company that she has no knowledge of, nor legitimate experience with. I do believe that they teach you ethics in Law School... Mrs. Michelle Lenette Prince. Attorney Registration#: 30978, Filed 10/25/1999, Seventeenth Judicial District, State of Colorado Bar Association. 1625 Broadway, STE. 2300, Denver, CO 80202. 1(303)623-1131, Adams/Broomsfield Bar Association. Graduated JD, University of Colorado, 1999. 2648 Devonshire Ct. Denver, CO 80229, 1(303)289-8650. Oh, and to confirm, there is nothing preventing me from placing this information here, as the law likes to call it..."Public Record". Being an attorney you should have stated your real name in this posting unless you had something to hide, and I do believe that is the case. I demand that you Cease and Desist of all further false allegations towards our firm. If this demand is not met then my firm may be forced to withtake further action towards the aforementioned: Defamtion of Character: The act in which you state false information either verbally or written intentionally put forth to harm ones person or reputation. As well as you will be pursued for: Corporate Sabotage: Intentional obstruction of an activity, or willful and malicious destruction of other's reputation. As well as including FRADULENT ACCUSATIONS. So as previously stated, Cease and Desist any further comments towards our firm. As well as for reference, you previously stated that I had provided you with the information that we had sold Thousands of Timeshares through our firm. Which indeed is not true due to the length that we have been incorporated, that would be impossible. Now, how you had created a notion of such myth is beyond my knowledge. One more statement before I end this tedious response, you mentioned in one of your complaints that you were to make public of the emails that corresponded between you and I. Just to inform, that by law, those emails are intended for the sole purpose of the reciever to view of them and not to be made public in any such way. Now if you wish to make them public then that is your choice, my firm has not a thing to keep secret. But you should also include your corresponding emails with the oh- so- obvious forms of Slander and Defamation of Character written right their in plain L' Englais (English). If you continue to initiate further commentation, then by law, you will face the consequences. Please Re- think your ILLOGICAL practices. And as I said in our last email... "I choose not to surface my practices around negative energy, and PLEASE, no response is necessary". I am assuming that you did not retain that the first time I told you... or you just have nothing else that consumes your time. May I rehiterate, no reponse is needed, nor prefered. I have your information and if I continue to see a trend in your actions and remarks then I will pursue not only you, but the firm that you are representing. Its very sad that they would allow a person of such low-ethics to represent their firm (Ruegsegger, Simons, Smith & Stein, LLC). I would hope that you have the intellegence to meet my demands IMMEDIATLY.


Amy Brooke Wilkerson
President/ CEO
Luxxor International Group, LLC

**B Rating with the BBB
**Dunns and Bradstreet Accredited

3936 South Semoran Blvd.
Orlando, Fl 32822

1(888)527-1332 Toll- Free
1(888)878-9431 Fax

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