This is a filing to be used as exhibit in procedings in case of no resolution for non-returned personal property from PC repair.
Micro Center Ref. Order No. CNSE302582
11755 Mosteller Rd. Date: 03/30/2010
Sharonville, Oh. 45241
(513) 782-8500
I, ( Bryan Ross), purchased a DELL Optiplex PC on eBay in late 2008 which was loaded with a DELL version of Windows . I was never satisfied withthat format. I had purchased an aftermarket GForce dual video cardsome moths later also on eBay. I removed and re-installed the DELL video card trying unsuccessfully to the GForce card to function but could not due to driver issues so I reinstalled the DELL video card and used the PC for months into 2010 when I picked up a virus and took the unit and the GForce card to Micro Center to have the repair dept. wipe my system and install a Windos XP my late Father had in his old PC. At the sametime I had the GForce card installed. I picked the PC on 04/01/2010 and upon arival of a purchased like DELL moniter on 04/08/2010 discovered the DELL card not return. The Repair dept was completely unreceptive to my queries leading me to a meeting wiyh the store manager on 04/09/2010. IF MY ORIGINAL DELL CARD, WHICH IS NOW NEEDED IN ANOTHER APPLICATION, IS NOT RETURNED TO ME I WILL FUTHER TO AQUIRE MY PERSONAL PROPERTY THROUGH LEGAL OPTIONS. THIS IS NOT JUST A MATTER OF PRICIPLE NOW, ... THIS IS THEFT PURE AND SIMPLE.