Seeing as how company went belly-up and its owners have disappeared off the face of the planet I guess this is a little late but anyways:
I ordered an Athlon 700 computer from Microshack in time to have it delivered via UPS Ground before i moved to College.
They delayed several days on processing the order so it became apparent I had to get it done overnight. I spent 2+ hrs getting overnight shipping upgrade, (note: they offered me a slight pricebreak on the upgrade because of the delay) but they still delayed. i moved away and the system still wasn't shipped. I had them go back and ship it Ground after all, and it took them weeks to clear off the extra shipping charges. Not to mention my parents had to pay to ship the unit up to me.
Then the system started crashing. After a long diagnosis, I came to realize the RAM chip was bad. I tried to get it exchanged but to my dismay, company disappeared and so did EVERYONE associated with it by a phone number or website registration.
So that was another $60 (128MB chip)
Then the motherboard went bad.
No explanation, it just started freezing again.
$50 later and a new generic motherboard, problem solved.
Wish I had never fallen for the lowest prices around. Caveat emptor, you get what you pay for.