I received this email - I feel sure it is a scam...will you verify and PUNISH THEM!!! Thanks...joanie (-:
([email protected])
This is to inform you that your address as indicated was drawn andattached to the Microsoft Reference No: 4099ME and Batch No: BTD/908/2011which subsequently won you £ 1, 000, 000.00GBP (One Million British Pounds)from the Prestigious Microsoft email award that was held in London. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DESIGNATED PAY AGENT FOR MORE DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONON HOW TO PROCESS YOUR CLAIM. CONTACT: MR. RICHARD CARRICK Microsoft paysAgent Microsoft Email Award Team United Kingdom Contact Email:[email protected] contact and submit your Names: contact address and Telephonenumbers via email. Congratulations once again from the entire staff officeMicrosoft Corporation United Kingdom. Mr. Donaldson CorleyMICROSOFT AWARD (P.R.O)©2010 Microsoft Corporation