the microsoft windows which headed by dr. smith reuben send an email and give instrcution that i am one of the winner of the microsoft windows and awareded a prize which i am going to pay the ampount of 378 gbp to claim my prize. and instrcut to me email mr. benson jack with tel.number 44703-1964025 and to this matters i questioned the authenticacy and balidity of such winnings. And further told that my prizee will be awarded to me unless am going to pay the 378 gbp for fees considering the distance of my place which i am from the philippines. All I want is to track this people becuase they the number one scammers and i won't like that someone might experience on what I have experience too. For easy and i can give this persons who mislead and have embarasss my reputation considering that I am also a victim of such scammers which i came to know lately
I want to file comlaint against Dr Smith Reuben as the Microsoft ward team of 20 cramen park harleshen london nw10,englad .u.k. with tel number 44-702 4036589 and benson jack with the tel number 44-703-1964025 with a website [email protected] and am willing to give the documents for my complaints. Hoping can give preferential matter on this. Thank you very much.
very truly, felicidad quindara, philippines