On 08/02/08 I took my 2001 VW Jetta to Midas because I had the check engine light on and the engine would shake when idle. I was greeted by Michael Jaskowiak, he said they were gonna run some tests, I left the car and went to work.
Later I called several times and I spoke with Michael and he kept telling me he'll call me back in 5 minutes, hours later I would call back. This is not the issue, when he finally told me what was wrong with the vehicle, he gave me several reasons why and recommended about $1200 worth of repairs. I told him that by no means I could afford that and asked him what would be extremely important to get the car on the road safely, otherwise I wouldn't repair it, he told me a tune up and install a new Oxygen sensor, this would take care of the problem(check engine light would go away and car would run ok), and later on I could come back to get the rest of the work done. So I agreed on $731.22 of repairs, $345.80 (highly inflated prize tag) for an Oxygen sensor, and $139.28 for sparkplugs (also highly inflated prize), $68.02 of Engine diagnosis plus $205.88 in labor costs.
When I picked up the car, it seemed fine (the problem was on and off, so this didn't mean the car was fixed), so I drove it home and the next day when I started it, it had the same problem, check engine light on and the engine shaking a bit while idle, SO i took the car back to Midas, this time I was greeted by Chris, and he told me he'd check the car and call me, when he called me later he said he had to replace the oxygen sensor they installed and that now I also need a different sensor it it would cost me around $400, on top of the $731 I already paid!
So, basically, I paid $731 for sparkplugs and an oxygen sensor, and now they want more money to fix it. I want my money back or the car fixed, and they won't do either unless I pay more. He told me I can call corporate if I'd like, which I will, good luck with that right?