i did an ach transaction with midland mortgage co. to the tune of 2300 plus dollars. it shoud only take 2-3 business but this one took a week and then it was rejected by my bank..the time line is this feb 13th contacted midland which was a friday...by monday the transaction was underway...by the 20 it was returned ...on the 23 rd they knew it was not a good transaction...did they tell when i called between the 20th or 23rd or even after these dates..NO. just today the customer service agent told me "oh, they didn't inform you about this." what they did was withold the information and make me feel as if it was my fault for not checking my bank account. which i did, that's why i was calling for two weeks, but they kept telling me that everything was okay and i should wait and watch my account for the withdrawl. didn't happen they blamed me and charged me with penalties...now instead of being paid off..i owed for dec, jan, feb, and march was around the corner. when i sent 1700 in it was over half of what i owed but the march payment of 800 still wasn't en0ugh to keep them from rejecting future payments, although they decided to take two other payments because they were doing me a favor so i would go into default..what a joke...now i have a contract for reduced payments and owe over 7000.00 due in march. this includes the lawyer fees of 900.00 late fees and so on. after almost a year of phone calls to figure out what went wrong with ach, a customer service agent finally found the part where they knew and didn't inform me. my bank manager who helped me figure out how ach charges work told me that this was fishy and i should contact a lawyer. anybody game contact me at
[email protected] or if anybody or has a suit in progress add my story to the list