New Scam looking for reps in Australia. Email address of ([email protected]) Mikron-systems is a fraudelent website. The fraudelent website is a copy of which appears to be the website of a legitimate Russian electronics company.
Owners of is - Foundation Men On Line
Address : PO Box 76613 AMSTERDAM NH
Zipcode : 1070 HE
Nation : NL
Tel : 31206791556
Fax : 31206627572
The website was created on July 23, 2005 and the scamming emails followed.
The purpose of this job offered in this email is to trick people into helping move stolen money out of the country for an organized crime group. By withdrawing cash and forwarding it by Western Union or MoneyGram, the money becomes untraceable to the police. If you have been recruited:
-- Do not withdraw or forward any money that arrives in your account or you may be liable for that amount.
-- Contact the bank and alert them to the fraud.
-- Report the fraud to the police.
Here's the text of the original email - (grammer and spelling errors included)
Get a JOB!
Our company works in the mikro electronics and precious metal market for a long time.
We have many clients and employees. We successfully worked and work in such countries like Germany,
France, UK, Spain, Lithuania and others.
The number of our employees exceeds 3000 people and the total turnover exceeds $100, 000, 000 a year.
Right now we decided to expand to Australian markets, because of considering them very perspective.
That’s why we are hiring new employees in these countries.v
Average earnings of our employees are formed as $6000/month, and the maximum depends on quality and speed of your job
(your salary is % of transactions you have made).
We are hiring new employees at the post of payments processing manager.
All you need for the job is being Australian resident, having one or several bank accounts,
computer and a little of spare time.
We have already hired 100 employees successfully work, but we continue our hiring.
The number of positions to hire is limited, so hurry up and register. The registration is free!
Please mail us with any other questions you are interested in.