I have never been treated more unfairly or more unprofessionally by a rental company in my life. We paid our rent each month on time - never a day late. We upheld our agreement to the letter. Yet, when we moved out - after changing every burned out bulb, cleaning every window, paying a professional company $200 to thoroughly clean the house, paying another $100 to shampoo 2 rooms of carpeting - this company allowed the owners to withhold an additional $350 "cleaning fee" from our deposit! Who has ever heard of paying $650 to clean a house?! That is absurd!
When we asked for a reason, we got no legitimate explanation. We just got this: "We work for the owner. There is nothing we can do." In what other case is it okay to steal from someone and then say "my boss told me to steal from you so there is nothing I could do"? That response is at worst criminal and at best cowardly. Yes, there was something they could do. They could have stood up and said that they inspected the house, that it was spotless, and the fee was unjust and they therefore would not take what was not theirs to take. But instead they chose to do the wrong, easy thing.
However, I understand. The owners have money and other properties are more important than us in their eyes. It seems we should have either not paid our last months rent or walked out without cleaning the place. But unlike those in this company we are honest, decent people.