I ordered a handbag from MIMI AND PORTER and i must say i am completely dissatisfied with them. They are totally rubbish and send roadside stuff. I paid $365 for a bag but it is not worth $10 also. I was ripped off by them. They sell all pirated and used stuff. Never trust them.
It is a complete waste of money. They say they are in Australia and Paris but they deal from China. Never buy from them, they are scammers. They sell Credit card statement shows Stalk Distribution, which is Canada based company and deals in Auto parts. Again a fraud...how can we trust them.
You have to fight for your money. When you call them they assure you to return the money but, they will never return the charges on your credit card. I also have my friends who have been charged twice on their card by them.
Beware of MIMI AND PORTER...Never order anything from them !!!