I bought some CDs from the MindBody Series years ago (3-5 years?) They were poor quality, but they arrived in a timely way, and I felt it was my fault for thinking they would be worthwhile... Imagine my dismay when I found NEW CHARGES (Sept, Oct., Nov. 2007) on my credit card from the MINDBody Series! I didn't notice the first month, but in all I had 3 monthly charges of $9.95 each. I emailed the company and was told that I was sent an email in July informing me of the MindBody update, and that I had agreed to a trial membership. NOT! I hadn't even received the email. (I assume it was filtered out as the SPAM that it was.) Their email stated very politely that they would remove the charges. I'll be confirming that!
Buyer beware if you've ever bought anything from the MINDBody Series. Check your credit card statement!