This Cattery currently displays outdated TICA Ragdoll Pedigrees on their Website.Irene has been advised that this is confusing the General Public into believing her Mink Ragdolls have been an established and accepted part of the Ragdoll Breed since the very inception of the Breed. This is not true. Mink and Sepia Ragdolls were derived from outcrosses to the RagaMuffin Breed. Irene needs to update her current website and the pedigrees she has posted.She needs to clearly state that the Sepia gene was introduced by outcrossing Ragdolls to the more popular RagaMuffin Breed. Mink Ragdolls are currently Ragdoll Breed Variants and are not inclusive to any written Ragdoll Breed Standard. I've included a website which clearly defines how Mink Ragdoll occured