Dee 26
May 13, 2011
Ruin Masterchef every season
i just want to know why MNET feels they have to spoil every season of Masterchef for us. last season when there were still quite a few contestants left in the show, MNET starts advertising the winner in between the programme. how can you do that? i understand its a competition for people to meet the winner etc but then we have no point in watching the rest of the season. last night in an ad break while watching Masterchef, they advertised the winner Jonathan. its just wrong, can someone please do something about it.
April 11, 2011
Not what I signed up for
So Mnet has decided that as of 4 April 2011 all Mnet subscribers who watch Mnet with a decoder will now be given a different line-up to those who watch Mnet through DSTV. When I signed up with Mnet years ago I signed up for movies, ktv, the occassional sport, entertainment, etc. Now I am forced to watch Kyknet from 7am - 7.30pm Mon-Fri, and sport the whole day on Saturday until 9pm! Mnet said (in each and every statement they have made regarding these changes) that ktv has been removed because they feel that audience has grown up, yet for the month of April 2011 every movie on a Sunday morning is an animated one! The Sunday night premiere is now also the movie on Wednesday and Saturday nights, so the same movie is been shown 3 times in 1 week in the prime time slot! I almost feel like Mnet has breached my contract with them. I was never consulted with these changes, I never saw any questionaire sent out (in magazines, the TV guide, or on radio), but according to Mnet this is what the viewers wanted? Get real Mnet, this is your way of getting people to sign up for DSTV. Why can't you be happy with the money you are making? Why 'blackmail' us? If the rumour is true, this will all come to an end in 2 years time and then Mnet via decoder will be no more, so let's hope Top-TV has some plans in the pipeline. If I get the May schedule and it's the same as the April one, with sport all day Saturday, no mid-week day movies, etc what's the point in keeping my subscription? Wake up Mnet, some people can afford this!