I was looking back at my bank statement and noticed some charges on my account. I did not sign up for any thing and was quite confused and upset as to why this is here without my consent. It started in November and is still taking money out. The description states it the money is going to: AP9*yoursavings...AP9*creditdiagn...MNTHLY SVC-CRD.(when this item is pending it states the description as AP9*healthplan and when it is no longer pending and the charge goes through in your account it then changes to MNTHLY SVC-CRD, so it looks like the bank charged you the monthly service charge)
This is FRAUD. Doing some research I have come to find that when you go to check your credit report for "free" it’s not really for "free". It will ask you to put in your credit or debit card and states that it is just for background information and the card will not be charged, but eventually it will be. I have called freecreditreport to stop taking money out and they did but I am still getting charged for a service I didn’t commit to. My bank told me to get a new card but what good will that does if they have the account information.
This best idea that I could come up with is to demand your money back from the bank and then close the account and start a new one and never check your credit report again online.
Yes this idea will be a hassle because your information for this account is with the company that you pay your bill with or whatever and that is always a pain but If you can give me a better one I would be glad to hear it.