Avoid contracts with this company in Germany as a private customer - unless you want to be ripped off monthly and really have a bad time in terms of customer service!<br />
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Here are some episodes of my 2 years saga with the 'blood drop company':<br />
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- bills to the customer need average 10 days to reach destination; the company can't care less to change it's poor mail provider choice as it simultaneously issues a late payment notice for which it charges €5, - - an amount which exponentially increases with any consecutive bill invoiced!<br />
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- any clarification attempts are ignored by the billing services - despite reassurance obtained via phone from the customer service! It clearly indicates the lack of communication processes, customer care and ultimately management responsibility towards the breadmakers of this company who ultimately are people like you and me! <br />
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- attemts to legally respond to this threat imposed to the customer are fruitless and add on to the unjustified charges because a) lawyers' remuneration for such a case is inferior to the efforts spent and b) judges are increasingly looking at cases starting with double digit figures<br />
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In conclusion, stay away from Vodafone Germany - there's a more appropriate place to donate blood called the Red Cross!