BE AWARE OF the shop mobilebestbuy. This website offered lots of electronic devices (pda, phones). On the website there was an adress from Jakarta, Indonesia.
Unfortunately I ordered and lost my money. The website disapeared within the last week. After reading all the experiences about the fraud coming across the indonesian region I can only advise everybody to use the forums to inform yourself about the possible fraud there !!!
For example look at: !
Again: Never ever send money to the following Account:
Mobile Best Buy
Bank Name : PANIN BANK
Bank Address : Capem Pluit Sakti
Komp. Ruko Pluit Sakti
Jl. Pluit Sakti Blok A Kav No. 1
Account Name : Elisa Caroline
Account Number : 088.2.00317.3
Swift Code : PINBIDJA
Probably the fraud is coming back soon with a new look.
Take care ! ;)