We signed a contract with Model Talent Group last year for my daughter. Basically we paid for pictures from their photographer and then have been paying monthly to have her picture/comp card on their website. The only problem is no one can actually see her picture on the site. That should have been our first clue, as all other agencies actually post everyone's picture
on their site.
The only job call we received was for her to get names at an event, which would then be used for MTG to try to recruit more people to sign on with them. My daughter worked hard and got over a 100 names for them. They did not pay her as they said they would. I had to call them and email them 3 times just to get her paid!!!
We have been paying each month for nothing. They have postings on their casting calls which are mostly for 18 and older and most are non-paying jobs. Anything we responded to has never panned out. This is just a different kind of modeling scam. They don't do anything to really get jobs for their models!