September 24, 2009
Nothing but problems
I finished an Associates degree in a small 2 year college in N.Y. I was readily accepted into a private 4 year nursing school afterward. I applied for financial aid and got some of the federal monies(ie..pell..tap) but my personal student loan money was accepted by my school but never applied to my account. The school, like so many others, said if I didn't pay for the semester before it started I would be released from the nursing program. After several semesters and several thousand dollars I finally confronted the school for a final time as to where my money was. They claimed they "never received the disc" and that I would have to wait. I never finished the degree because I received 2 c's in the program and was kicked out just 15 credits short of graduating. After ten years I am still fighting New York State as they garnish my tax returns and I cannot apply for housing, credit or anything else because of the delinquent student loanson my credit report. They want me to repay the loan money I NEVER received...with major interest and fees etc.I have an attorney working on this. No oneinvolved(school-N.Y.S.) can seem to find a promissary note with my signature. I would greatly love to be in the professional field today, however I am left doing landscaping and living well below the poverty line without any kind of health insurance. No one can know the personal, financial and emotional grief this has given to me...I am very grateful for many other wonderful things I have in my life today!!!