Cool Site !! Love how people can speak their mind
Here. Now About Mona Vie and it's private Sales
from Distributors Making false claims about any
Medical claims is a FDA NO NO and The FTC NO NO
Now on top of that people are getting injured is
A clear case for them to step in, As a matter of fact
I went on step further and called The FDA -FTC
Both and a investigation is under way by both
Agencies They told me on the phone that complaints
have poured in to their office
here in the last few weeks and could not
give out any further information other than what
I have just given . Many threats now of new law
suits getting filed over their products and claims
may cost Mona Vie along with their distributors
will be held accountable in Civil and even a
criminal court . You would think these vendors
selling the product would stop after the FDA sited
them a warning letter back in 2007 . Well just
like the other company Dallen Larsen was a
Key player and was shut down back in 2002 -2003
Guess it means nothing to him as the other person
Posted here about Rules " Double Standards " .
If you are making Mona Vie enough money your safe
A new member of Mona Vie would be terminated
For Making medical claims and so new to the game
Mona Vie can use them to Say We have Terminated Them .
That way the others still hide in the back ground with
a slap on the hand Just like the old days where
A dirty Police department who covers their
Own officers up when the work both sides of
The fence !!Code Of Silence !!
So with this in mind is Mona Vie not acting
in the same manner as “ Al Capone The Chicago
Gangster “who bought judges police and every
other tom dick and harry along the way to
keep quite or better yet Just close your eyes
while I commit the crime or else !!
Elliot Ness brought him to Justice . Their
are plenty of people just like Elliot Ness
That have Dallen Larsen and the good old boy's crew
In their sites and this company
will have a rude awaking coming their way .
Maybe Dallen Larsen Can just cut them a check
to go away or put them on his payroll better yet,
“what the hell what’s a few more on the pay roll .”
!! Stay tuned for the troops come marching in !!