I purchased a complete Bmw 328 i Engine from the above-mention who advertised on Gumtree CAPE TOWN in 2008 from the owner Paul Toscano for the amount of R5000.00.My car is a 325i and ask Paul if the Engine would fit, he said he did many modification like this. I WAS promised THE CAR BACK after 3working days, which never happened.
My complaint is, it's been almost three years and my car is still in his possesion.In 2009 the Sherrif of the Courts issue me with a Warrant of execution on my belongings for storage fees which amount to R50 000
When i appeared in court, i explained my situation and the matter was stayed.The amount we agreed upon to have the engine fitted was R2500.00. He wants R3800.00 for fitting and i should tow my car away.The car is not running and can't even start.PLEASE COULD SOME ADVICE ME?