I receiveda solicitation call me promising me alot to take care of my credit card debit. I was cautious with the very kind talking understanding Anna Dixon who continue to make me beleive her caring and understanding spiel. I CONTINUE TO SAY NO. as Anna Smith even promised me a gas card for 500.00 which I never gaught after following instructions and the compnay moneyworks promise dto send it out, never happened.I had to make and keep appointment calls. The girl never called me as I would go home to take the calls that were by certain times only and they were on the east coast. I then gaught another timesd date adn another rep. I could have done what they did call my credit cards and aske for promotional rates or to lower my rate as loyal on time customer. I called alot and complaint but always an operator stating no one is in and every operator is a supervisor. I called so many times to get my money back they would stall me and not give my calls to a real supervisor.
I am out 1, 200. The initial caring understanding Anna Dixon who told me I COULD CALL HER with any concerns was nowhere to be found again inteh company. I went through a Jacarah, Catrina, Ryan, Lydia, Lyndette and then the regular Ryan Smith.
This is an outrage and so wrong what these companies in America are doing to our country.
They need to be stop. Their numbers are not in service and no way to communicate or get a ligitimate Supervisor.