Before I took my job at Monster Cable I looked online to see what sort of info there was about working there. I found LOTS of negative online chatter about the company. Apparently they like to file suit on little companies and are considered overly litigious. There are also a lot of consumer complaints saying the products are overpriced.
I did not see a lot of negative information about actually working there, but in hindsight, I wish I never got mixed up with them.
Noel Lee, the CEO, is just a bad dude. His primary concern is himself, his son Kevin (who has no business acumen but has a fancy title - oh, and a full bar in his 'office'), and his car collection. but it seems like Noel just can't get behind a charitable organization for the right reasons. Yes, Monster Cable has partnerships with charities, but the motivations are not because Noel truly wants to give back... Rather, Noel LOVES the photo op. And why? He has such a goofy mug.
The company is very disfunctional. Its a mess. It is run by the seat of Noel's pants. There is not a lot of strategy behind what they do. For example, we were working on Christmas promos over thanksgiving, whereas other retail companies I have worked with have all of that planned in July/August. And, we changed things non-stop, so there really was no finished product until something went in-store.
If you are presented with an opportunity to work there, I recommend you politely refuse. Don't get tangled up with a company driven by a man with a bad heart. There are better options out there.