I paid moonstar7spirits over $500 for a ring. The quality was good until I found out she purchases her rings wholesale from http://www.indiasilver.com/wholesale-rings.aspx
The metaphysical sellers who charge more than $50 are con artists and fakes. Real Meta sellers never charge more than $50 fair market value. The con artists say anything while they sit on their lazy butts waiting to prey on customers. I called ebay customer service and they told me they couldn’t deny the Meta con artists shill bidding organization. The thirteen worst metaphysical sellers are right on. I found an honest seller relicsandrunes. The auctions are public and the bidding never exceeds outrageous amounts. The con artists are scamming customers raising the bids through a shill bidding organization. Cassia is also an honest seller. Relicsandrunes ousted the scumbag blessings always for being a scumbag fraud. Customers you can trust relicsandrunes and cassia.