I would agree that SAXON MORTGAGE is doing their level best to screw their customers out of thier home. I've seen modifications denied where they say that even if they lowered their interest rate to the lowest possible rate the person could not afford to make the pyts. Yet somehow the customer is already doing just that at the interest rate they have. Then if they do modify a loan, in a lot of cases SAXON MORTGAGE will place so much escrow on the account that the payment is twice what it was before the modification. Instead of taking the back taxes and placing them in the loan and escrowing the account for taxes in the future to make sure it doesn't get into that bad of a situation again. YES!!! SAXON MORTGAGE IS HORRIBLE. I can't afford to quit because I have to pay my bills too. But I've been written up a few times for assisting the customer and waiving the late fees for 1-2 months worth just to ease the stress factor on the customer a little bit. I really hope that SAXON MORTGAGE will change the way they do business, but I don't see that happening too soon. GOOD LUCK TO ALL SAXON MORTGAGE HOLDERS!!!
CORPORATE NUMBER---- 817-665-72## (etc... 60, 57, 68, ) try to reach someone. I hope it works.