Beware of The Mortgage Modification Law Group. Somehow they were able to obtain my loan information and promoted that they were working with my mortgage company to modify my home mortgage. For a very expensive fee of $2750, all paid up front, they promised to litigate a fantastic loan modification. They operate out of St Petersburg Florida and Mericopa Arizona. They may be one of several shady companies run by a scam artist out of Minnesota, a Timothy M Stoll.
Every person in their company proports to be a "senior" modification specialist, or "lead" something or other. They do not have any "regular" staff. I have filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau and the attorney generals office of three states.
They promise to "litigate" on your behalf. They don't litigate anything. They process paperwork whenever they get around to it. They don't do anything that you can't do yourself. Furthermore you can do it much quicker on your own by just contacting your mortgage company on your own.
I checked this company out very thoroughly before I gave them any money and found nothing on them. Only after I had problems with lack of progress did I find out the negative information about this company. Beware of The Mortgage Mitigation Law group.