The phone I have bought from MOTOROLA had problems in the first 3 months. First, the camera was gone, then connections started giving me problem. Then, Isolation material was creating problem. I have lost all my stored phone numbers. Middle of the calls the phone was dying even the battery was fully charged. I have seen several people with the same phone, they have had the same complaints.
I bought it to use it out side USA in Europe. After having problem and taking to the local (in Europe) service, they had not honored the warranty (Please be careful- they have this gimmick, if you buy this phone via Internet, there is no service available). Then, I was told to send it to the customer service in Texas. Before I sent it, the customer service was no help at all, one of them says something and another-one says something else. Before the repair at first it was going to be free of charge, then they were saying $75, and I still accepted, but later they said, I have to pay $175 for the refurbish one and it would be set to use only in USA. The phone companies are giving away phones if not free, it is not more than $100 for the brand new phone. Unfortunately, MOTOROLA can not even back their product reliability. They have set up a good and easy business. I hate the experience with MOTOROLA. Where is the 6 Sigma mentality? Where is the trust-able product? Where is the reliable service? They are lacking all over. Don't even think of buying any products from MOTOROLA if you are going to use it overseas.
They are all gimmicks.