I also had a very bad experience with Movie Facts, Inc. I have never experienced this level of unprofessionalism and am filing a complaint in Illinois. I too received two calls, the first from a gentleman who said my business could get four months of advertisment from Movie Facts for $40 per month. I thought this was a good price and agreed. After I received my invoice, I noticed that the advertisment charge was more than the agreed $160. After contacting Movie Facts, I was informed that a $55 set up charge had been included. I told the lady I did not authorize this additional charge and that it should be removed. The lady refused to remove the charge. Then she said she had a recorded conversation with me saying I agreed to the additional charge. It turns out that during the second soliciting call I received- this one recorded- the lady added a charge that the first solicitor did not tell me about. I missed it because of how fast she was talking. I also had no reason to believe that Movie Facts would change the terms of my original agreement. Although I have told Movie Facts that I will not pay the unauthorized charge, they continue to send harrassing invoices threatening to add late fees.
Perhaps many businesses do give in and pay, but this one will not. It is about principle and businesses doing what is right. When enough consumers complain, maybe they will clean up their business practices.