Moxie Pest Control
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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information North Carolina, United States
Moxie Pest Control Reviews
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February 27, 2015
Former disgruntled employee
After working for this unethical pest control company I've come to a few conclusions. Each branch is owned by the "branch manager" therefor the run the way they want. So this message isn't for all moxie loa action.
I started out at moxie VA and had the best experience as a sales rep in my 6 years of experience. Tim the manager is very fair and ethical. However I worked as a technician for John at the Salt Lake City lovation. As technicians we saw the lack of good product causing re service rates to cruise sky high. The are using a product called Wisdom. Wisdom is bifenthrin, which is just a repellant. That's right not a bug killer. We worked with John to switch product but his everyone is out to get me attitude made him decide against it. After this he started questioning the loyalty of all his technicians. So I quit. I wasn't the only one either. It put his office into panic since he lost so many good techs.
I have since started my own pest control company. I use the best but also a much more expensive product. Guess what? I reserviced 15 times since we have been in business. So better product and better customer service goes a long ways! Take notes moxie!
March 14, 2011
Skipping Service
Moxie Pest Control sent us to a credit collector for services not provided. The service manager in Indian Trail was verbally abusive and incredibly unprofessional. He actually hung up on me. At first he said he was unable to revoke the service collection. When I told him I didn't appreciate he lying (because he can) he then said, yes you are right "I can and I am unwilling." Moxie Pest Control positions itself as a Christ-based organization and when a company with this position overtly lies certainly doesn't help that particular faith. They simply did not fulfill their contract by skipping a service and then turn around and try to claim that their software is infallible and that the customer is always wrong, is no way for any company to operate (faith based or not). The service manager was very skilled at being rude and abrasive, certainly he had done this to many people many times before. Avoid Moxie Pest Control with all you can, they are dishonest, two-faced, and better swindlers than pest controllers.
June 17, 2009
Moxie Pest Control - of Raleigh, NC & it's door to door salesman here in Raleigh, NC, are scamming homeowners into thinking they are signing a one time pest control treatment for the small price of $35.00, when in all actuality they are signing a one year contract for a heavy price tag of $435.00 a year. These scams are occurring nationwide, mostly in the California area, as I am now researching the company's consumer reviews.
I am currently a victim of this scam, a young salesman by the name of Chase came to my door last month, and was very pushy in his sales tactics, he arrived at my door, close to 5:30pm, and while on my door step he cleverly pointed out cob webs and spiders on my front porch. Chase was very persistent in his sales approach, explaining how several of my neighbors had been complaining about ants, and that he was treating several of my neighbors the next day, he went on to ask if he could arrange a time to come and spray my yard for pests as well. I initially told him my husband was not home, and that he made these decisions for our household, I suggested him return when he could speak to my husband.
This was my way of trying to get rid of him. Sure enough an hour later he showed back up, now 6:30pm asking if my husband had returned, I responded no, he hadn't, but that he could leave a business card. He then suggested that I just go ahead and sign up for a one time treatment, and if I indeed liked the service, we could sign up for an annual contract. He jotted join a bunch of numbers, then crossed through them all, saying he was slashing the price for a onetime special, the price was something ridiculous like $1200, he marked it down to $435.00 and said this is a great deal for annual pest control, I proceeded to tell him I was not interested in that price, nor was I interested in a year service agreement.
He went on to say, alright we will charge you $35 for a one time outdoor treatment, and we can spray tomorrow, as we are already in the neighborhood doing a few of your neighbors. He said that the treatment was all organic, and safe for children and pets, ECT. I said, this sounds great, $35 sounded wonderful, and honestly we too were experiencing an ant problem.
Then Chase asked me for my credit card number…….This was a red flag for me!! I said, I am not giving you my credit card number, I will write you a check in the amount of $35 for this ONE TIME TREATMENT, but I refused to give him my personal credit card information. He hesitated, but agreed to accept my check as a form of payment. After, I gave Chase this check, he held onto a clip board and handed me a pen and said initial here, here and here. He went onto say, initial here agreeing to pay $35, initial here agreeing that you will not be home at the time of service, and initial here stating that if you wish the interior of your home treated you will contact our scheduler. I signed everything, without reading the fine print and he went on about his way, and I went back to tending to my boiling spaghetti noodles and my screaming 3 year old.
To my knowledge, Moxie Pest Control may or may not have even serviced my yard! I say this for several reasons, one, we still have ants, and two, I was in Maryland vacationing with my mother the next day when the Moxie Tech was scheduled to arrive and my husband was at work. But my husband and I both felt confident, that they would service the yard, as we paid them to complete a service.
Today, June 17th I received a call from a young lady named Erin, who worked for Moxie Pest Control, she was calling to schedule an appointment for this quarter. Her call caught me off guard, after all I hadn't signed up for one year contract, just a onetime yard treatment, which was scheduled to be completed while I was on vacation in MAY! I went on to explain this to her, and she told me I would need to speak with her manager.
I was then transferred to the manager, whose name is Phillip Nielsen. Once on the phone with Phil, I addressed myself, and told him, I was trying to clear up a misunderstanding, I informed him that I made myself VERY clear to his sales representative, Chase, when I told him, I was not interested in a yearly contract, only the one time treatment for $35. I further explained that this is why I paid by check, because I didn't want to get ripped off or robbed by a stranger.
Phil went on to say that a lot of people call him trying to “GET Out" of annual contracts but that he had my initial, which clearly stated that I was signing up and agreeing to a one year pest control agreement. He said this was his “protection". I thought my “protection" was payment by form of check, but apparently that's not even safe anymore! Unfortunately, I threw m y copy of this agreement/invoice away, as I was under the impression this was a onetime treatment, and I had paid by check, so I really thought I was playing this safe!! Well, here I am totally screwed. Phil's attempt to resolve this issue was to charge me a onetime cancellation fee, for a service I never even agreed to in the first place.
I think it's unfortunate that I was taken advantage of in this manner, I feel very violated and deceived. I refuse to pay Moxie for services I did not ask for, and in addition to this I refuse to pay a cancellation fee for a service I verbally declined. All in all, I want to inform other local residents, not to utilize Moxie Pest Control, as they will SCAM YOU, just as they are attempting to scam me. Moxie Pest Control failed to disclose key conditions, fine print, and lastly their verbal representations are not consistent with written contractual terms and agreements. I have reported Moxie Pest Control's shady business tactics and unethical sales tactics to the Better Business Bureau, but I want to inform the world, DO NOT USE MOXIE PEST CONTROL, THEY WILL SCAM YOU! In this economy, you can't trust anyone! Businesses are struggling to keep afloat and in desperate times, they are forced to scam you, their clients! It's a sad, sad world! In the future, I will never ever open my door to a stranger! TRUST NO ONE! In addition to this, I might add, that these sales representatives are working on a commission bases, so they will scam you into a yearly contract, just to EARN MORE MONEY!
Topher Russell
June 5, 2009
I'm a sales rep for Moxie pest control. I've read some stuff on this website about how terrible Moxie treats their technitions and how Shady the compay is. I really don't care about the future of the company or anything, I'm just doing this for a summer job. That being said, my roomate is a tech for the company. He works a ton of overtime, and he DOES get overtime pay... LOTs of it. And someone said something about dilluting cykick past the recommended mixture. I don't know if thats true, but if it is seems like it would make sense to dillute it more, seeing as how the techs apply with a big old power spayer rather than using a little squirt gun like most companies do. I'm a first year rep and I don't have much stake in the company, but I will say that the owner of my office and all of my managers are honest guys. The way the company is set up, the owners of the braches don't make much off of new clients. This is because us sales reps take a pretty good percentage of the value of each new 12 month contract we sell home, to pay for our college tuition. Only when a client stays with the company for more than twelve months do the owners begin making a profit. So it is in the owners' best interest to perform the best service possible so they can retain as many clients as possible and hopfully make some money. Retention is the key to having successful Branch. This is good for customers, the owners, and most importantly... the sales guys :)
March 4, 2009
Snakes in the grass
Moxie Pest Control: Don't do it!!
Here's the lowdown:
They didn't fulfill their contract by skipping a service, and I couldn't get through to the manager for weeks to make it happen. Then, they performed a service on someone else's property months later and billed me for it. I called to rectify the situation, and now I have been taken to collections for the service they performed on someone else's property! Can you believe that? In addition to the bill that they charged me for service to someone else's house, they charged a whole lot more just because I called to correct it.
If anyone else would like to participate in a lawsuit against this company regarding unfair billing and collections, please write about it here.
Scott Stempinski
February 24, 2009
Billing from Conartist
I signed up for One year of pest control service. I had to follow up with cans of Raid to kill bugs around my home between services. I never found one bug dead after Moxie sprayed but my yard was covered with dead bugs after I sprayed with Raid. At the end of my One year contract I canceled the poor service and I was contacted by the owner of the company. He made it clear he didn't care about the money but was surprised about my comments on the poor results. The owner offered a One time only free attempt to correct the problem. After the "Free Attempt" I found the results to be as poor as before. The owner desided to charge me for this "Free" service and when I stood my ground and refused to pay he sent my account to a collection company who called me weekly for almost one year before giving up. This company needs to have legal action taken up and closed down. They are conmen in my oppionen and should not be allowed to own any businesses.
December 6, 2008
Terrible experience
This summer a sales crew of young college students from Utah visited our neighborhood selling Moxie Pest Control They convinced me to cancel my current vendor and move to Moxie as it was better service for less money (changed from monthly to quarterly with Moxie). After I filled in the paperwork I told them I wanted the aphids on my lemon trees treated-it was on the application. Soon after the company called and told me that no pest control company in California can treat anything that produces food. So I accepted their contract.
About two months after I began the service I was bothered by flies in the yard and they were starting to get into the house. I hadn't had a fly problem in over 20-years. I called into their office for service to eradicate or control these pesky flies.
This time they tell me they don't treat for flies nor try and control flies. There is nothing in the contract that mentions flies. They name a number of common pests in their contract that they do treat but they don't exclude flies. Since flies are very common pests and they tell you after you sign up for service that they won't treat them then this is a RIPOFF and they should be avoided at any cost. If you don't heed this warning you will be ripped off as well.
July 21, 2008
Cheating customers
I worked for Moxie Pest Control. I have no hard feelings, and have many friends that still work there (until they find new jobs). I simply wish to warn others. The Pest Control industry has never been known as a haven for honest, upright companies... and Moxie Pest Control is no exception. In fact, Moxie Pest Control seems to display some of the more detestable qualities present in the industry.
First, one would do well to look at Moxie's employment records at You will see that nearly all of Moxie's employees have an 'RA' or registered applicator's license, the lowest license available in California. Moxie prefers to hire first-time pest control employees, and indoctrinate them with false information. This, along with Moxie's deceptive pay promises, leads to its huge turnover rate which is indicated by the huge list of 'RA' employees on the website. (The majority of the ''FR' employees are salesman that go door to door during the summer.)
I will attempt to briefly explain Moxie's compensation. Salesmen are promised the best pay in the industry per contract. However, according to a current Moxie manager (name omitted for his protection) the pay analysis is inaccurate as it takes Initial Service Prices that are rarely charged. Moxie salesman typically offer initial services for 35 or even less. This 'huge discount' is used by nearly all pest control companies to win business. Certainly this is less than honest, but likely forgivable.
For Technicians, the situation is worse. Techs are promised $2500 per month, told they will be a salary employee, and are exposed to other 'Techs' (usually the Head Technician) who claim they work 5 days per week for about 5-7 hours per day. When reality sets in, the new technician will find himself working 6 days per week, usually working over 60 hours, and as much as 68 hours in the summer. (At $2500/month, 40 hours=$15.63/hr. 68 hours=Less than $8/hr. One can see how good pay quickly becomes mediocre.) At first, Techs are willing to work long hours, as they are under the impression that their base rate is $2500, and they are making overtime on top. However, they will be stunned when they find their paycheck is still $2500, and that they are not salary employees, but rather hourly, and paid less than $8/hr to boot.
Both Dave (Corona Office) and Jason (Company founder) will deny these allegations, I know them both very well. They are both well-read in sales tactics, and their favorite is silence, wherein they will stare you in the face until you say something. (According to several books this indicates the weaker party in the discussion, and opens the door for the silent party to negotiate in his favor). Expect a lot of silent moments as they are always trying to sell their employees on something, whether it is diluting pesticides past their effective levels or always saying 'yes' to customers even if it means lying. This is an irritant to many employees, both salesman and technicians alike. In fact, many of the Corona employees refer to their boss as 'Shady Dave' behind his back.
Lastly, this is not an isolated problem. Jason has been using this same type of compensation scheme since he started the company in Texas. And because of his supposed religious affiliation, he has heavily recruited members of his own claimed faith to work for him. Naturally, these individuals feel a religious bond with him, and therefore feel (falsely so) that they can trust him. The number of employees defrauded at this point is likely in the hundreds, not to mention the thousands of customers that are cheated.
One would do well not to work for, or do business with, Moxie Pest Control.
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