We visited 192 camera.com on 5-15-09 to purchase a i-pod nano 4th generation. The salesmen took one out of the diplay case and grabbed a mp4 touch camera to compare for us. Never was I informed that I had to be a dealer to purchase the i-pod nano 4th generation at the same cost as Walmart, I asked and got no reply. During the purchase of the mp4 touch/camera I asked the cashier about the store warrenty, he espressed that if I was unhappy I could return this item to the store. I was asked to sign a receipt when I had used my pin # with my debit card, I asked why that neccessary and he replyed that it was for their records.
My 12 year old daughter was with me because she had been saving for several months for this purchase.
After 10 miniutes I returned to the store with the mp4 touch/camera for an exchange because my daughter was not happy the quality of the mp4 touch. The manager informed me that I was not a dealer and he could not exchange for the i-pod nano 4th generation. Being misinformed about the reciept I had sighed, it was a nonrefundable statment of my product. Everything the teller told me was a lie. The manager informed me that my daughter sould learn a lesson from this. Comparing this purchase to a mercedes benz purchase. My company has a buyers remorse of 3 days. I was sure that a 10 minute sale was reversable. But I was wronge. As I googled this company the fraud allerts were many.