i am Parag R Bhendarkar, my account is in sbi i.e A/c 20024449132.
my complaint is that as per the rule or declaration of RBI upto five transaction of other bank ATM will be free & it will not take the chargesh of Rs 20.& that rule is applicable from dated 01/10/2009.
I have withdrawn the money two times in different date from Punjab National Bank ATM it amount to Rs.500 both time & my account is showing bank deducted Rs.20 extra both the qouestion raised in my mind how it can be possible because i have not cross the lemit of five transaction from other bank ATM.It is the contempt of Reserv Bank Of money withdrawn detail is following.-
1)15/10/2009 ATM WDL.
6220181065000008237 8526 -Rs 500 + 20 =520
2)27/10/2009 ATM WDL
6220181065000008237 3081 -Rs.500+ 20=520
sir pls take action against it & that clarification sent to my Email Id i.e [email protected].