Mrs. Susan J. Taylor - Director Customer Financial Services Deportment 4 of the Bank Of England

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Contact Information
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK, London, United Kingdom

Phone number: +44 701 114 6592

Mrs. Susan J. Taylor - Director Customer Financial Services Deportment 4 of the Bank Of England Reviews

Ejazullah October 17, 2009
Verification about IRC Stop order & Emails
These are the letter of the Fraudulent

(No Subject)‏
From: spchanelmm ([email protected])

Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 9:39:47 AM

Good day,

My name is Raymond and I am a soldier and was deployed to Iraq in the beginning of the war in 2003. However, I presently lay physically disfigured, due to sacrifices rendered on behalf of a country which today, presently neglects me due to my present physical condition.
I would like to share some highly personal and classified information about personal experiences and roles played in the pursuit of my career serving under the U.S Army, at the fore-front of the war in Iraq in 2002/2003. However, for now, I will have to hold back certain information for security reasons, until you have found time out to visit this BBC website news listing; . It will enable you have insight into what I intend sharing with you, believing it would be of interest to you and I, in one way or the other.
I must say, I am a bit uncomfortable sending this confidential correspondence to you without knowing truly if you would misconstrue the importance and decide to be vindictive or go public. So therefore, In this regard, I will not hold back to say that the essence of this letter is for mutual benefit and nothing more. However, it should be kept strictly, and I mean "STRICTLY" confidential.

Please, Having visited the website, I urge you to immediately send me an email via [email protected] or [email protected] confirming you have done so. After that, I will be more vivid and coherent in my next email to you, to serve to the best of your understanding.
Standing by for your response.

Warm regards,
Mr. R. Parker
[email protected]

RE: Got your response and I appreciate attention given.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 5:11:43 AM
To: [email protected]

I am sincerely sorry for the delay in response but, I had to go in for a medical checkup and eventually, treatment, which consumed me physically and mentally until now that I am able to reply you.

I appreciate the fact that you did visit the website and now, I shall further go on to clarify you on what it really is I require of you, so as to enable me get this done with, within due time.

Like I said, I was a part and parcel of the war in Iraq as at 2003 and withnessed a whole lot. However, I presently lay physically disfigured, due to sacrifices rendered on behalf of a country which today, presently neglects me due to my present physical condition. Till date, I have laid alone in my sorrows and have been left to suffer financial stress and strains. However, this will not go on anylonger because, I took a very bold step during those hectic days of my field duties, sacrifices and services in Iraq.

During my service in Iraq, I majorly withnessed when we discovered trunk boxes and huge sums of foreign currencies, which were eventually turned in as discovered funds stolen by Sadam during his rule but, the little secret behind it all was that, not all of it was turned in. My superiors as at then decided to turn in a reasonable amount for public awareness purpose but seperated a large part for personal gains. You might call that stealing but in such a situation after bursting our butts in such an atmosphere which eventually left most of us amputated, crippled or jobless, what should we have done??? We were reasonably wise so, did what had to be done to benefit us. However, In the event, some Trunk boxes could not be accessed due to security codes placed on them and for such reasons, we turned those particular trunk boxes in but for those that could be accessed, we dug in for our benefit.

We were eventually able to secretly part away seventy two million dollars in raw cash, due to our various high ranking positions and split it into 5 places, according to ranks and positions held in the course of our duty as at then. I eventually had 14 million to contend with and this was reasonable enough due to the fact that, my superiors happened to be the ones involved in making sure the funds successfully crossed the boarders and were eventually deposited in secret, in long term security suspense deposits in various banks within europe and asia. It was agreed that no deposit will be made in any bank within the United states, so as not to arouse any form of eyebrows as at then and that all deposits will remain in long term suspense deposits until the next five and a half, to six years.

My part was secretely and securely deposited on my behalf in europe and now, I feel comfortable enough to gain access to it but in this case, I will need assitance in representation, due to my physical state which makes it terribly hard for me to move from place to place. I even find it hard staring for too long during sunny days ouside because, the rays from the sun or bright environments tend to weaken my eye sight and eventually, make me drousy. I most of the time have to stay in doors, so as to avoid discomfort of any sort. I hate it when it begins and then I have to have somebody or someone trying to express pitty over me, while trying to assist me to the door, elevator or even in the case of taking a cab. It is highly irritating.

I need a sincere and honest representative and this I am willing to pay reasonably for. I cannot trust my wife with anything, not even my life. While I was out in the fields battling to serve and survive during the war, she was having multiple, irresponsible affairs with all sorts of young and old men. Till date, she has no idea of how much I know regarding all that. As for my children or relatives, I cannot have them aware of what is on ground until it is all done. I will rather have it serve as a shocker, when eventually, all is done and I get to move us to a new home.

Having the beneficiary identity changed, in relationship to the secured deposit holder (Me) will just be a matter of paper works, documentations and a call to the bank. This will not be much of a problem. It can be handled in a day or two. All that will eventually be required is for you to be present for the signing of the release documents and withness the stamp duty clearance, before finally the cash to hand or bank to bank transfer of the funds process, once all paper works, documentations, signings and stamp duty clearances have been handled. The accounts officer will be responsible for making sure all is handled smoothly, so as to enable comfortable and swift release and remittance of funds. He is very dedicated and loyal to me because, his late father was also a soldier and a fellow mate during our earlier trainings and services in South Africa so therefore, will be dedicated in making sure all is well taken care of.

I hereby humbly solicit your assistance and advise that you keep my dealings with you strictly confidential. After the funds have been released and remitted to you, I shall reward you hansomely without blemish. However, this now depends upon your willingness to assist me in this or not. Like I said before, I am willing to pay for your physical and mental service or services as a representative and this I state as 5% of the total funds. If this is agreed, feel free to contact me immediately or if not, feel free to do the same (Contact me) and I will gladly terminate any further correspondence.

Standing by for your response.

Warm regards,
Sgt. Parker

RE: Got your response and I appreciate attention given.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 7:08:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Good day,

I received your previously forwarded email to me and I must say that I higly appreciate your sincere and honest willingness to serve as a respresentative on my behalf. However, I do hope we will not have to delibrate upon the precentage agreement, after we have finally concluded this deal because, I will find that uncomfortable. I stand by agreements and believe agreements should remain agreements without changes.

Concerning any form of expense, I will be handling that so you do not have to worry over your financial capability. I will not be needing your financial assistance in anyway.All I require is for you to represent me in the course of physical presence being required for the signing of release documents and papers. Once you are required to be present for the signings and final release and remittance of funds, I will provide you with money to take care of your return ticket, hotel accomodation and any other for of charges. I have set aside $29, 000 to handle any form of expense in relationship to this transaction.

Please, I do not want an issue whereby funds have been remitted to you and you then have to deduct more than what has been agreed upon. I have estimated your percentage (5%) and it amounts to $700, 000 (Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars). I do heavly believe this is rasonable and should be enough to appeal to you, positively in line with your offer to serve both physically and mentally. $13.3 Million Dollars is what you will eventually be remitting to me, after you have deducted your part. I have no worries over you disappearing with my money after concluding this deal because, the account officer will definately be entitled to documenting your full identification in the course of funds release handlings and I will definately be entitled to original copies of such documents at any point in time, should incase the need arises. On the other hand, I still reserve my skills from years of training in the military and believe me, It will not be so much of a problem locating you, should incase you double cross me. Being a bit disabled does not mean I do not still have contact and connections.

Please, let the agreed percentage stand as it is. 5% is a sincere, honest and very comfortable bargain to be settled upon. If not, then we can terminate any further correspondence regarding this deal.

To proceed, I request that you have your full names, direct contact telephone or mobile numbers and residential address, forwarded to me immediately. I will then have it forwarded to the accounts officer, so as to immediatly enable him process the change in beneficiary status, before you are probably required to be present for the signing for the release of funds and its eventual remittance to you.

Thank you for your present and future required assistance. I really do appreciate it.

Standing by for your response regarding the required information.

Warmest regards,
Mr. R. Parker

RE: Got your response and I appreciate attention given.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 3:51:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Good day,

I received your last email to me and concerns. The only risk involved is you wanting or having to double cross me, when eventually, funds have been remitted to you. Please, remember to stick and stand by your agreement. Like I earlier on stated in my previous email before now, I will not mind keeping a future relationship and so should you.

The percentage agreement between me and you now stands at 95% to 5%, respectively. 95% for me arrives at a total of $13.3 M. Dollars and 5% for you arrives at $700, 000 Dollars. I will be forwarding to you, my account information as soon as the bank has approved your status and it will be expected of you to immediately deduct your percentage and and have transferred to me, my own rightful percentage. I hope this is well understood?

This final email correspondence from me to you should be printed out and documented by you to serve as proof to our settled agreement and I will be doing the same as soon as you get back to me.

You need to provide me with your complete full names. For example, mine happens to be Raynold Parker. Please, have this forwarde to me immediately. As soon as you have done so, I will have your complete information forwarded to the accounts officer for the preparations in relationship to the change in beneficiary status and other vital documentations which will legally bind and attach you to the standing deposit. However, he might require other information from you such as a valid form of identification so, will be in direct contact with you when such requirements arise. Afterwards, if your presence is required for the signing, release and remittance of funds, he will inform you of that and provide you with information on when to make yourself available.

The sooner you provide me with the complete required information (FULL NAMES), the earlier we get to conclude this transaction. I am very much tensed and impatient in wanting to get this done with.

Standing by for your response.

Warmest regards,
Mr. R. Parker

RE: Got your response and I appreciate attention given.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 5:56:28 AM
To: [email protected]
Good day,

I have forwarded your information to the accountant who will be in charge of having the change in beneficiary status and payment release handled. It will be up to the banks deision if you will be required to go down there or not so what I advise is that we keep ur fingers crossed and wait for there request of any kind. However, they might be requiring some more information from you but that you will be informed of by the bank.

We for now, just have to hang in here until the paper works are fully taken care of then, we know if you will be required to travel down to Europe or not. Visa handlings will not be a problem and that of the ticket fees and accomodation expenses will be taken care of by me so, you have nothing to worry about for now or afterwards.

Expect contat from the bank soon and update me regarding any corespondence with them, what so ever.

Warm regards,
Mr. R. Parker (Sgt.)

RE: Got your response and I appreciate attention given.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 6:56:20 AM
To: [email protected]
Hello Ejazullah,

I am so sorry for not being in close contact with you over the last few days but, I have been trying to do the best I can regarding my health. However, I am a bit stronger now. I did try to get through to you via telephone a couple of times as at yesterday and this morning but, the network reception was really bad.

Have you received word from the accounts officer? Tried getting through to him, both via email and telephone but, his telephone line was engaged a couple of times and later on, would ring continously without anyboddy answering at the other end. He was expected to have contacted you directly regarding the need for you to present him with a scanned valid form of identification along with your date of birth and occupation, to enable the securing of the court probate order and beneficiary status change upon the certificate of deposit. Have you presented him with that? Please, update me as to that regard.

However, if you have not heard from him, have the requirements forwarded to him via the information stated as follows;

Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
+447 045 752 150
[email protected] OR [email protected]

Tommorow, I will be running a major medical check up here in france so, I might not be able to get through to you until the day after tomorrow. However, you may wish to contact me when ever you wish via telephone numbers +33 472447700. If I am not available, my house keeper will attend to your call but, she can hardly understand english. That is the major problem I have with her back here so most of the time, I always hope to receive my calls myself. Although, if the house is empty, calls are diverted to voice mail.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Warmest regards,
Mr. Parker

From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:55:36 AM
To: [email protected]

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Good day Ejazullah,

How are you today? I hope good. Anyway, As for me, my health is the normal challenge but pray to get better. This is what we retired soldiers have to go through most of the time, after going through hectic field duties and services in such conditions.

My doctor here in France, is really trying hard to make sure my health status is maintained and I really do appreciate his efforts and assistance. However, medical attention is not easy to put up with.

Please, I took note of an email forwarded to you from email address [email protected] and bearer Larry Smith with telephone numbers +234-807-344-1023. I do not know this person or information attached to him or her but noticed the telephone numbers are African related. +234 is Nigerian dialing code and so therefore, I suspect it is very much fraudulent. Probably someone trying to act as if he or she is me or part of my correspondence with you.

I advise you stay clear from this person. I heavily suspect him or her is up to something. I have received certain emails with such information with as well and so therefore, I advise also that you do not release any form of information to that bearer for no reason. However, you can have his email address and information forwarded to the Interpol Online Fraud Watch via [email protected] . They can help to detect his or her identity and comfirm if I am right or not.

Please, maintain correspondence with Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams and him alone. I did not tell any so called Mr. larry Smith to contact you so please, avoid that person. Those Nigerians are thieves and have ripped me off my $375, 000 in the past which rendered me financially broke and crippled. It is for that reason I am trying to get a hold of this deposit from Solid Trust Security so I can get back on my feet.

Please, maintain correspondence with Mr. Parker. Identify and monitor his email address very carefully when receiving any email claiming to be him. If the email address is different from the one I gave you, ignore it regardless of what ever information it may contain within.

Well, I have to go now. I have a 7.30 medical appointment to keep with my doctor and do not want to miss that. I will check for further update from you later on in the day and hope to receive good word from you.

I have added some photographs I took during my service in Iraq, taken of the cash discovery in Late Sadams house and tunnel hide outs. It was too good to be true when we discovered how much money that devilish old ruler could have subjected to only himself and that of benefits to benefit him alone. The Iraqi soldiers helped us carry out the discovered trunk boxes.

You can find the photo shot taken, attached to this email forwarded to you.

Like I said earlier, I have to go now. Cannot afford to miss the doctors appointment.

Warmest regards,
Mr. Parker (Rtd. Sgt)

RE: Got your response and I appreciate attention given.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:20:34 AM
To: [email protected]

1 attachment
scan_visa...jpg (811.7 KB)

Hello Ejazullah,

I forgot to include a scanned copy of the Visa application form I secured via a United Kingdom Embassy official friend of mine. I want him to help out with securing you a visa so we dont need to start running round for that when eventually you are probably required to go down to Solid Trust and Securitys remittance department in Europe.

Please, find attached the scanned copy I have attached to this email being forwarded to you. Down load it and have it printed out. Try not to leave out any form of information what so ever from required of you to fill within the form. This is a visa form and not a normal letter to me. We do not want the embassy closing down our request, Please.

By the way, you forgot to include a scanned copy of any form of valid identification when emailing your date of birth and occupation to Mr. Williams. Why? You also need to get that done immediately. He requires that. Otherwise, you will be wasting precious time need to conclude this transaction and we do not need that, please. I want things done as quickly as possible. Do have that forwarded to him immediately.

Have to go now.

Warm regards,
Mr. Parker

RE: see attachment‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:06:30 PM
To: [email protected]

Hello Ejazullah,

My health seems to be getting worse. I do not know what is wrong with me. I keep taking drugs and doing checkups but seems to be a waste of time and money. tomorrow, I am going back to that damn doctor to find out a final solution to this whole thing. I am in pains.

As for the form, make sure you fill it out properly. Do not leave any necessary information out of it, ok.

Anyway, answer 23 to 26 as follows;

23. September/October
24. Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Solid Trust Security)
25. Mr. Raynold Moron Parker
26. $5000 (Five Thousand United States Dollars).

Please, do this a soon as possible and have the form forwarded along with a scanned passport photograph to Mrs. Letisha Newman. She is in charge of helping to secure the visa.

Update me as soon as you have done all this.

Warm regards,
Mr. Parker

Attention: Ejaz Ullah - YOUR FILE IS BEING PROCESSED.‏
From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:21:38 PM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail : [email protected]

Attention:Ejaz Ullah

This is to inform you of the fact bear receipt of your correspondeces
and also to inform you of the fact that your file is presently being
processed for acknowledgement.

Your valid form of identification has been forwarded to the court house
for full acknowledgement as a beneficiary to the deposited trunk box
bearing ties to the depositor Mr. Raynold Parker.

We will update you as soon as we have received legal acknowledgement in
the form of a probate from the court house.

Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

RE: Attention: Ejaz Ullah - YOUR FILE IS BEING PROCESSED.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 3:09:42 PM
To: [email protected]

Good day Mr. Ullah,

How have you been? I hope all is well with you in Pakistan. As for me, I am doing the best I can in France but as usual, responding to my medicals. Anyway, in God I trust.

Our transaction seems to be sounding positive. However, I know it will eventually come through. It will only take a bit a time before the papers are released and as soon as they are released, it is done. We start making arrangements for you to go down to their off-shore remittance office. Although, we have to see to it that you need not do that, so as to save us the stress but the signing of papers needs to be done physically. If it can be done another way around, it will do us more good. Infact, I will call Mr. Williams today and see what the probabilities are.

At the moment, I have forwarded to Mr. Williams $2, 720 equivalent in french money for the preparation of a court order from the court house and the preparation of the release certificate. Then, on the other hand, I am trying to get together a total of $47, 750 equivalent, so as to secure payment for their official stamp duties, administrative and clearance charges, as well as overdue security storage charges.

Overdue security storage charges estimated $34, 500 equivalent from the total calculation of 5 years running from 2004-2009 and 9 months affilated to this year. Each monthly charge is $500. So therefore, 12 months x 5 years + 9 months is what I am dealing with here. The balance $13, 250 equivalent is for the administrative and clearance charges plus stamp duties. So that arrives at $47, 750. As soon as that is complete, I will have it forwarded to Mr. Williams.

Right now, I am trying to locate where I kept a confidential security slip containing access codes. As soon as I get a hold on that, I will be having the security access codes to the trunk box sent to you, so as to enable you access the trunk box when you get their and adhere to your percentage deduction and the transfer of my percentage via bank transfer.

I will give you a call as soon as I have gotten hold of the slip. By the way, wehre is the visa form you were expected to fill out and send back to me??? I need that forwarded back to me real soon.

Have a blessed day ahead of you and please, keep me posted, ok. I have to go now for my daily medicals.

Warm regards,
Mr. Parker

RE: Attention: Ejaz Ullah - YOUR FILE IS BEING PROCESSED.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 6:22:41 PM
To: [email protected]

1 attachment
scan_14mi...mpeg (119.6 KB)

Mr. Ullah,

I seemed to have ran into a couple of my private stuff back here and came across a 5 minutes video shot I took during our discovery in Baghdad.

I have attached a privately recorded short video footage of when my share ($14M) was being loaded into the trunk box which is presently in the custody of solid trust security. I do hope it will be visible because of its recording format compatibilities.

let me know if you got this and if they were visible.

Warmest regards,
Mr. R. parker

RE: Attention: Ejaz Ullah - YOUR FILE IS BEING PROCESSED.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 10:37:29 AM
To: [email protected]

Hello Mr. Ullah,

I tried to get through to you ever since but, your mobile line will never connect. Did you give me a wrong number??? However, I will still try to call you again.

I finally found the security access code numbers and detail them as follows;

Security Access Code = 1-9-7-2-2-3-1-1-0-1-1-3-1-3

Please, take this down and secure it properly. You will need this to access the trunk box when you get to the off-shore remittance office.

As for the questions asked in your previous email before now, I had already told you what to fill in but I guess I have to answer them again, as follows;

23. September / October (We cannot be specific with the date in particular for now)

24. United Kingdom

25. Mr. Raynold Moron Parker

26. $5000 (Yes I will be taking care of the expenses concerning hotel accomodation and others)

Please, fill this in correctly. This is taking too much time. As for the letter of invitation, I will be emailing you an invitation as to that regard which you will print out and hold until you have to attend your interview.

Right now, I am awaiting contact from a friend of mine who is trying to assist me with $20, 000. On the other hand, Mr. Thomas Williams informed me of the fact that I will be required to come up with an extra $7, 150 to enable them secure a Due Dilligence certificate, So he calls it. That means I am now up against a total of $54, 900 equivalent in french money. This is alot at the moment but, I have to try and find a way to raise that so as to secure every angle and hinder any delays whatsoever.

Do let me know if you received this email and the security access code numbers.

Warmest regards,
Mr. Parker

RE: Attention: Ejaz Ullah - YOUR FILE IS BEING PROCESSED.‏
From: Mr. Parker ([email protected])

Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:01:56 AM
To: [email protected]

Hello Mr. Ullah,

I appreciate your concern over my health. I really do. I have not been so strong over the past few hours but pray to get stronger. I was at the hospital today and was advised to come in on thursday for a minor surgery operation. Traces of kidney failure have been noticed so, I have to respond to that urgently. I find it difficult going to the toilet most times but only when I need to go to the toilet though.Apart from that, I have been battling with my respiratory organ (My lungs) and that is majorly one of the reasons why I go to the hospital for my daily checkup.

I called you several times as at yesterday but, your telephone line would just ring and ring as usual. On the other hand, it some times will not just connect at all. I do not know why. It may be because it is a long distance call though. I guess I will stick to emails since I get to reach you better through here. However, have you received Any word from Solid Trust Security??? Please, Update me as to that regard.

I am certain we will get to conclude this entire transaction before this weekend and by monday morning next week, you should be expected to arrive at the off-shore remittance office so as to bear custody and access to the trunk box. Your visa should be out by thursday morning.

Mr. Williams did call in today and eventually emailed me to inform me of how I am expected to make available the total $54, 900 charge equivalent for what I explained to you earlier in my previous email.

Now, I am about to get this $20, 000 equivalent that I just received from a debtor of mine, sent to him immediately, so I do not go digging into it because, so many financial issues come up at this point in time due to my present health status. On the other hand, hopefully after I have returned from the hospital tomorrow, I would have gotten an extra $4, 500 to send to him again. That will leave it at a balance of $30, 400 which I hope to complete before Friday afternoon. Although, before then, I would have made $5, 000 available to you for flight and travel expenses.

Awaiting your reply,

Warmest regards,
Mr. Praker

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:53:51 AM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah


This is to inform you of the fact that the beneficiary status to the
standing deposited trunk box and that of your file presently attached to
it, has been positively acknowledged by both Solid Trust Security and
the Court House.

The certificate of release has been issued by Solid Trust Security and a
scanned copy will be forwarded to you soon, along with the court order
issued by the court house, granting legal acknowledgement of your
present status as the beneficiary to whom the standing deposited trunk
box estimating a value of $14, 000, 000 (Forteen Million United States
Dollars) should be handed over to.

You are to immediately download the scanned copied documents for your
own personal acknowledgement and documentation and afterwards, inform us
of the fact that you bear receipt of both documents.

You are hereby also informed of the fact that the initial depositor "Mr.
Raynold Moron Parker" of the standing deposited trunk box, is currently
affiliated to the mandatory charges estimating a total of $54, 900 (Fifty
Four Thousand Nine Hundred United States Dollars) and has been able to
meet up with a total of $27, 150 (Twenty Seven Thousand One Hundred and
Fifty United States Dollars), to balance a total of $27, 750 (Twenty
Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars).

The mandatory total charge is to serve for the following;

1. Official and legal stamp duties.
2. Administrative and clearance.
3. Overdue security storage.

The initial payment of $2, 720 (Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty
United States Dollars) had already been provided by Mr. Raynold Moron
Parker long before now, for the payment of securing the issued court
order and the issued certificate of release.

The initial depositor had yesterday, officially filed for a request that
a better means be met, so as to enable a more convenient mode of
remittance instead of your physical presence being required at our
off-shore remittance office and that has presently been acknowledged by
Solid Trust Security.

In line with this, we will be forwading to you, a form which you will be
expected to fill out, attach a scanned copy of any full faced passport
photograph and finally sign.

Patiently await our next correspondence, which should be effected within
the next 24 Hours.

Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:37:34 AM
To: [email protected]

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Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

This is to inform you of the fact that we have attached scanned copies
of the following documents for your personal acknowledgement and

1. A scanned copy of the Issued certificate of release from Solid Trust
and Security.

2. A scanned copy of the form which you are expected to complete, so as
to enable us process the mode of remittance applied by the initial
depositor "Mr. Raynold Moron Parker" on your behalf, in relationship to
the standing deposited trunk box being handed over to you, without your
physical presence being available at our off-shore remittance department
as a mandatory form of remittance procedure.

Regarding the attached form which you are expected to fill out, you are
to completely respond to all sections within it and affix a full face
passport photograph at the right hand top side of the form.

Please, confirm you bear receipt of this email and attachments included
within, by emailing us immediately after receiving it.

Awaiting your confirmation and completed form expected of you to
completely fill out.

Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi - ACCEPT OUR SYMPATHIES.‏
From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:40:57 PM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

On behalf of Solid Trust and Security Company, With all due respect but
regret, we wish to express our sincere, honest and whole hearted
condolences towards the passing away of your relative Mr. Raynold Moron
Parker who happened to be our acknowledged and officially documented
initial original depositor, bearing file with reference
RC007500XXX27000XX and registration code A1010068V. We do hope you find
a way to ease over the loss, which you must have already been aware of
before now and before we were. Please, accept our sympathies.

As at this morning, Late Mr. Parkers personal French house maid called
in from France to inform and confirm his death to us. She has also
confirmed her resignation of duty and services under Late Mr. Parkers
estate. She happened to have been Mr. Parkers personal run around
assistant during these existing filings for the release of the standing
deposit, to which you currently are the present sole beneficiary and
bearer of all entitlements and services affiliated to the file bearing
reference RC007500XXX27000XX under registration code A1010068V.

We are aware of your present discomfort over the arising loss and aware
of the fact that it has hindered an earlier required response from you
in relationship to our previously forwarded correspondence to you and
requested requirements. We urge that you accept our condolences and

Still awaiting your confirmation and completed form expected of you to
completely fill out.

Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 12:53:37 AM
To: [email protected]

Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

It is required and mandatory you fill out the form which was initially
attached and forwarded to you in "Pen to Paper" format. Adobe mode is
not acceptable.

Please, do this and have it forwarded back to us immediately.

Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 4:49:33 PM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

We wish to inform you of the fact that your completed and submitted
information form has been processed and officially acknowledged by Solid
Trust and Security, in relationship to your trunk box being handed over
to you, without your physical presence being required as mandatory. On
that account, the affiliated Diplomatic Security Service Company (DSSC)
will be contacted in relationship to having a diplomat assigned to the
responsibility of escorting and safely delivering your trunk box to you,
within your designated location.

Kindly take note of the fact that your trunk box in its full value and
content, will securely be delivered to you, within your designated
location but this will however be done after the conclusion of all
protocols and procedures regarding documentational clearance, official
and legal stamp duties, administrations plus overdue storage security.

We hereby wish to confirm the payment of $12, 300 (Twelve Thousand Three
Hundred United States Dollars) received, which was remitted on behalf of
the initial and original depositor Late Mr. Raynold Moron Parker by his
former employee and maid Mrs. Angelique Paula Arianne, a day before we
confirmed information regarding his death.

The initial and original depositor Late Mr. Raynold Moron Parker
remitted an estimated total of $40, 050 (Forty Thousand and Fifty United
States Dollars) before he died, leaving a balance of $14, 850 (Forteen
Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars) expected to
total $54, 900 (Fifty Four Thousand Nine Hundred United States Dollars)
which stands as the general and total required charge.

We therefore and hereby confirm to you that, the balance of $14, 850
(Forteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars) is
currently required as mandatory, to finally enable your trunk box be
granted full official release on the bases of meeting up to all
mandatory official requirements which must be observed to the fullest.

You are hereby required to urgently inform us as regards to when you
will be remitting the presently required balance payment, so as to
enable us provide you with the mode through which you will be expected
to make it available.

On the other hand, it was confirmed by late Mr. Parkers former assisting
house maid that he had passed on. By the way, you should be aware of all
this, including the present circumstance because of your relationship to
late Mr. Parker or are you not Mr. Parkers relative and sole beneficiary
to the deposited trunk box presently within our custody?


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
E-Mail: [email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:37:35 PM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

This is to inform you of the fact that our department manager is very
upset with your previous email response and expressions, as well as the
entire Solid Trust Security company.

The term "Fraud" which you used to communicate to us in your previous
email forwarded, should never have been used to approach us. We are only
doing our duty regarding service rendering and revealing actual
circumstances on ground, surrounding the present status in the release
procedures circulating your bequested truk box and its estimated value.


1. Late Mr. Raynold Moron Parker never paid us or sent to us the so
called said $5, 000 (Five Thousand United States Dollars) for your flight
ticket and hotel accomodation you spoke of within your previous email
forwarded to us. That was an intimate relationship arrangement between
you and Late Mr. Parker. So therefore, this did not involve us, as that
happens to go against our Code and Mode of Conduct and Operations
(CMCO). We do no get intimately involved with our clients in anyway

2. A total of $54, 900 was required for the total charges in relationship
to the release procedures of affilated to your deposited trunk box.

3. Late Mr. Raynold Moron Parker remitted in instalments, a total of
$40, 050 before he died as follows;

* $2, 720 (Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty United States Dollars) -
For the payment of securing the issued court order and the issued
certificate of release which was forwarded to you before Late Mr. Parker
was confirmed dead to us.

* $27, 150 (Twenty Seven Thousand One Hundred and Fifty United States
Dollars) - Was sent to us before Late Mr. Parker died, in line with
official and legal stamp duties clearance, administrative charge
clearance and overdue storage security.

* $12, 300 (Twelve Thousand Three Hundred United States Dollars) - This
was effected as payment to us on his behalf by his former house maid, a
day before he died.

4. The balance presently being owed stands at a total of $14, 850 and
this is what remains, in other to complete the total charge and enable
the complete release of your bequested trunk box and its estimated value
to you, in the mode of diplomatic delivery to you, in Afghanistan.

Mr. Ejaz Ullah Safi, With clarifications now made available to you, we
advise that you immediately inform us as to when you will be remitting
the presently standing and required balance to our accounts department.
This is needed to complete your bequested trunk box release procedures.

On the other hand, if you wish to come down to our off-shore remittance
office, so as to personally clear up the balance charge of $14, 850, you
are also free to confirm that to us as well via email or telephone but
when you do wish to come, make sure you do not forget to bring along
with you the Security Access Codes which you possess because, that is
the only means by which you can access your bequested trunk box. our
trunk box requires those access codes and nothing else can open it,
except the activation codes.

We hereby await your required response.


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
E-Mail: [email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:04:35 PM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

In line with your previous email forwarded to us, we hereby wish to
inform you that your trunk box will remain within the custody of Solid
Trust Security until you have met with the balance charge payment which
is mandatory.

Your desire to come down to the off-shore remittance office, here in
Europe is your sole responsibility and so therefore, we bear no
reponsibility what so ever in relationship to your visa application or
financial expenses.

Our office address is 231 Trent Bridge Buildings West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD United Kingdom as clearly stated at the top of every
email correspondence we have ever effected with you.

We are not responsible for providig death certifiates of dead people.
The hospital where Late Mr. Parker died, is. So we suggest you contact
the hospital regarding that and not us. By the way, you should know
better or were you not related to Late Mr. Parker? Are you not his

You also, asked for Mr. Parkers mobile telephone numbers. Do you not
bear his contact telephone numbers? Why are you asking us for his
numbers and why seek for a dead individuals contact details from us? You
should have it because you are his relative.

If you have a problem paying the balance charge payment of $14, 850, we
suggest you find a way to do so because, even if you arrive at the
off-shore remittance office, you will still be expected to pay the
balance charge before your trunk box is released to you.

When you are ready to handle your responsibility, feel free to contact


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:26:24 PM
To: [email protected]

Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

We have been of service to you within the past one month and you never
opposed us with so much unecessary and irrelivant questions plus,
debates. Why do you decide to approach us with such at this point in

We wish to confirm the fact that Solid Trust Security is not a banking
operational system but a secret and confidential security company
involved in securing private/personal valuables belonging to all caliber
of individuals and organizations.

Your desire to come down to Europe is not our financial or operational
responsibility. So therefore, we advise that you rectify that aspect
within your own private and personal concerns. We do not issue letters
of invitions to clients under no circumstance because, it is not in line
with our legally acknowledged mode and code of official operations and
conduct. However, we do wish you consider coming down to Europe to
personally handle this issue because, we do not have time to delibrate
irrelivant issues with clients, outside relevant dealings assigned to
clients application and your application, which was registered under the
initial depositor Mr. Raynold Parkers status, falls under "Secured
Deposit Concern" or are you not aware of this?

We do not operate a website as we are not a banking sector offering
online services so, the relevance of a website is not necessary to our
mode of operations.

Secondly, we are officially registered under Government Laws but such
confidential information as related to registration codes can not and
will not be issued to normal individual but European Government
questioning bodies alone. You do not stand the legal ground to ask for
such a form of information because, it is highly confidential and
tender. Identification theft is prohibited and so therefore, such
information is not publicly distributed or advertised.

Mr. Ejaz Ullah Safi, if providing us with the balance payment is of deep
concern to you, in relationship to your financial capability to provide
it, feel free to inform us as to when you will be willing to come to
Europe so as to enable us provide you with arrival information. As for
your Visa issues, we are not responsible for that in any way and do not
issue letters of invitaions.


If providing us with the balance payment is a present problem at the
moment, we advise you effect the folowing;

1. Provide us with the Security Access Codes to the deposited trunk box.

2. We will activate it and deduct from it our estimated remaining
balance being owed by you.

3. We will afterwards, deduct from it the required account activation
fee or charge required to activate on your behalf, an online operational
account with an assisting banking system here in Europe.

4. then, you can effect the transfer of the balance of your funds to
your designated account in Afghanistan "Online". This will be a more
convenient option open to you at present.


Mr. Safi, you are beginning to give us reasons to believe that you
probably did not even have any relationship what so ever with Late Mr.
Raynold Parker and if we choose to dig into the authenticity behind your
relationship with Late Mr. Parker and eventually detect any thing wrong,
we will be forced to legally consfisticate the deposited trunk box under
European Security Regulations.

We await your acknowledged decision.


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 11:59:15 PM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]


We presently bear receipt of your previous emails as well as your last
email forwarded to us, containing your insults to our office. You emails
arrived as late deliveries to our mailing systems and so therefore, did
not reflect until today.

In one of your emails forwarded to us, you suggested that we effect
transfer of the trunk box estimated value of $14, 000, 000 to you via
western union which is out-rightly senseless to all levels of todays
matured individual understanding. Do you wish to attract Government
agencies whom will investigate the legitimacy of such an amount and
eventually place upon your responsibility high leveled charges and fees
such as heavy Taxes and anti-terrorist fees and charges?

You have confirmed that within the next upcoming 10 to 15 days from now,
you will be receiving your visa. As soon as you have received your visa,
inform us of that and also inform us as to when you will be ready to
effect your journey to Europe. We will then provide you with arrival
destination details in relationship to our off-shore remittance office.

As for now, we will terminate our suggestion of bank transfer and will
ignore any further correspondence with you so as not to arouse any
unecessary insults from you any longer, until you are ready to visit our
off-shore remittance office.

It is now understood by our department that you have a problem
understanding communication properly and also, understanding and
accepting protocols and procedures.

We await your notification regarding when you will be coming to Europe.


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 12:11:33 AM
To: [email protected]
Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

It is urgently required that you immediately have the security access
codes forwarded to us as well as the following banking information;


As soon as you have forwarded to us the required details, we will move
on to access the trunk box on your behalf, deduct our outstanding
balance charges which you have for long neglected to remit, then forward
to you via an assisting banking sector, the balance.

We await required information.


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 1:25:36 AM
To: [email protected]

Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

We bear receipt of your email forwarded to us as well as your concerns.
However, we strictly advise that you maintain patience.

The deduction process was in motion and that took a whole day.
Afterwards, immediate effect to initiate transfer of your balance via
an affiliated and assisting banking sector, will take place.

The total and complete transfer of your balance will take at least 7
working days from tomorrow so you are advsed to remain patient until
Transfer of such a huge amount cannot and will not reflect within a day
and there are protocols to be followed so as to avoid hitches.

Remain patient.


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: SOLID TRUST & SECURITY ([email protected])

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 3:57:38 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]

1 attachment
scan_issu...jpg (158.7 KB)

Foreign Payment Unit -
231 Trent Bridge Buildings
West Bridgford,
Nottingham NG2 1BD UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Attention: Attention: Ejaz Ullah Safi

We had successfully deducted our over due balance charge of $14, 850 from
your total sum $14, 000, 000, after accessing your diplomatically sealed
trunk box. We then carried on to deposit the Balance with the Department
4 of the Bank of England, here in Europe and they are presently
effecting transfer of your balance sum to you, via the banking
information you presented.

We have attached to this email forwarded to you, a scanned copy of the
court order which we secured from the court house, mandating the
Department 4 of The Bank of England to effect swift transfer of your
funds to you in Pakistan.

Your file has here been closed with Solid Trust and Security Company

We are very happy to have been of service to you and Late Mr. Raynold
Parker and we do hope you choose to remain our happy customer and client
from here on in.


Mr. Ivan Thomas Williams (Accounts/Clearance Officer)
Tel: +447 045 752 150
[email protected]

From: Enquiries ([email protected])

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 8:22:21 PM
To: 'EJAZ ULLAH KHAN' ([email protected])

1 attachment
scan_issu...jpg (158.7 KB)

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your enquiry.

The Bank of England has absolutely no knowledge of this matter and any reference to the Bank in regards to this matter is fraudulent. May I draw your attention to the statement about financial fraud on our website at

Kind regards

Public Information & Enquiries Group
Bank of England

For Ejaz Ullah Safi - Stop order issued upon transfer of your funds.‏
From: [email protected]

You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 10:15:33 PM
To: [email protected]

3 attachments | Download all attachments (601.0 KB)

0455_issu...jpg (158.7 KB), 0456_tran...jpg (266.6 KB), 0457_stop...jpg (175.7 KB)

Threadneedle Street
London EC2R 8AH

Dear Customer / Beneficiary,
Reference : BOE/UK/LC118WBNL01406.

The Department 4 of the Bank Of England had received specific instructions as at last week from your representing security agency Solid Trust Security Company Limited, here in the United Kingdom, in line with the court order and Guarantee legally binding us to our current official banking responsibility, which is to assist in transferring funds to the tune of USD 13, 985, 150 (Thirteen Million Nine Hundred and Eighty Five Thousan, One Hundred and Fifty United S

Write a Review for Mrs. Susan J. Taylor - Director Customer Financial Services Deportment 4 of the Bank Of England

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