some people email me that i won 2oooooo euros on msn lottery. this is my email address [email protected]
i want you to help me find out if they are real or fraudster. this is the attachment they sent to my email address
Msn Lottery Team.
YOU HAVE WON MSN LOTTERY PRIZE €2, 000, 000.00Euros Your e-mail id was selected through the computer ballot system a winner of Microsoft online lottery program. You have to contact your claim agent for your payment process and include your personal information for smooth transfer of your payment. Claims Agent: BARRISTER, MOHAMMAD REZA.
Email: [email protected]
For verification purpose forward to him your claim details below;
(1) Your mailing address:
(2) Your Tel( Mobile ):
(3) Your Nationality/Country:
{4} Your Full Names:
{5} Your Occupation
{6} Your Age.
{7} Your Sex.
{8} Your Martial Status.
Ref No.YLINC/4973/456/22.
Batch number: 444/22/2233.
Winning No: 44, 15, 77, 55, 10
Amount Won:€2, 000, 000, 00Euros (Two Million Euros)
You have to contact him not later than five working days.
One more time congratulations.
Msn Lottery Team.