The Msn/Yahoo Lottery Incorporation
PO Box 1010, Liverpool L70 1NL,
United Kingdom.
Ref: XYL /
Batch: 24/00319/IPD
Dear Guaranteed Winner
This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of seven hundred and fifty
thousand Great Britain Pound Sterlings (£750, 000.00) for the month of
March 2009 Lottery promotion which is organized by YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY INC.
We congratulate you for being one of the five person selected You are to contact
the events manager for claims These are your identification numbers:
Batch number...
Reff number...
Winning number...
How ever you will have to fill and submit your contact informations to event
manager below:
1. Full name...
2. Contact Address...
3. Age...
4. Telephone Number...
5. Sex...
6. Occupation...
7. State:...
8. Country...
Name: Mr. Max Winters
E-mail:[email protected]