From the time I Rica'd my prepaid phone I am receiving unwanted commercial sms's. And now MTN in cahoots of these companies allowed them to blatently steal my prepaid money, as it is I am an 71 year old pensioner, I seldom use my cell for making calls, so most of the time I have no funds on my cell. I use email, Facebook and Twitter to communicate! I only use my phone for receiving calls and sms's. I habe no needs for wallpaper and ring tones. I usually just delete these crooks, But now I found out about this scam. They use the excuse that I entered my cell no on the internet and then I am subscribed, I have then to unsubscribe at my cost when the SMS arrive! I found out on Mira Networks that MTN knows about all these complaints and do NOTHING!!! They just collect the money and if you complain, they simply put a stop to it but they don't refund you!!! This is plain theft. How many aged and also the unsophisticated public is caught in this trap. I won't by any more time until I find an honest cellphone co!
Pieter Brink [email protected] phone 012 804 8098 Pretoria