In the past years i have been working at home and to be connected to the outside world i need internet access. I had adsl before but then the telcom guys were continuiously reparairing stolen telephone wires and i had to cancel.
Then i heard of MTN Broadband and got me a modem. In the beginning at the start of my contract with them all data transfer was super.
In the last eight months i started getting "request timed out" messages. Or i would download a file roughly about 1.5mb, and right at 99% it would "request time out". At first i though something is wrong with my computer, and took it in to a computer shop which repairs computers. They found nothing wrong, no virises, my default firewall was disabled, and my bit defender was up to date and installed properly.
In the beginning i was able to download a 10mb file and it would take roughly about 8 minutes to download, or vica versa to upload a file roughly the same. then as mentioned earlier eight months ago it started to frustrate me to such an extent that to download a file as big as 0.634kb will take about 4hours . and then as soon as it gets to about 99% then "request times out" .
To top things up i get accounts reaching R1500.00 for a R350.00 odd package of 1 gig.
This is daylight bloody robbery i tell you. I visit the mtn offices, and they dont know what is wrong, i go to my contract provider, Altech they cant help me, i try to get hold of the mtn's main office and there is just no bloody way i can either get a email address or telephone number or nothing. Once there was the network signal department who phoned me to install a "YAGI" which i did and signal strength has improved . But data transfer, email checking, well that dont work. I get reference numbers from thier offices that they will get back to me and man o man out of the six, only one will phone and blame it on me saying im expecting to much or i must work after 01h00 am .
When i look at the web site of mtn i get to read complaints of mtn custermers that complain about more or less about the same issue i have. Arnt mtn's people doing something about those complaints ?
Look guys i have change my settings from "GPRS PREFERED to 3G PREFEREDetc" but to no avail.
Last week i go to mtn website and on my screen pops up a parser error line 81, thats a error on thier server or something, but one cannot even get to thier website.
Shit man what the hell is going on?
Well i am forced to go find me someone else now but hey is this good advertisement?
I am going to give mtn one more chance now and if this is not correctified within one week, i will take drastic measures .Honestly this is way out of bounds for a company like this.
you can contact me at
[email protected].
See what you can do