I am a retired Civil Engineer age 73 a watch DSTV almost every evening. I have concluded that SA DSTV must be the most expensive, worst run Television Network in the World. There are 104 TV channels of which I watch a maximum of 34, there are +/-80 audio channels which I don't use at all.
In that I am paying R559, 00 per month for having the choice of watching a maximum of 34 channels the programmes of which are repeated frequently, others appear to have been stolen from various museums, I have concluded that it would be vastly more cost effective to have a Video Contract. Unfortunately I like the News, Sky, BBC, Aljazeera, and occasionally etv News. From those News Services we can actually keep in touch with World events without the SA Government biase.
Why in this day of computers can we not all have, and pay for, the channels that we want on an annual contract basis. Does DSTV Manangement not have the knowledge or the competency to provide this type of service.