There are 2 incidences here that I am combining into one. The first is this: I tried to get hired for Music On The Move Plus but couldn't due to this tightwad *** named Bryan Wenzel. I don't know how these companies have these rude hiring managers but this one does. I sat for an hour listening to his strict lecture about all the rules and regulations. Which were fine, I was ok with it all but he acted like he was some kind of prison warden. He is the operations director and I guess that's pretty high with only one person above him whom I haven't talked with but am planning to. The guy is kinda old with gray hair so I thought man, he must just be cranky. Well anyways here's what happened:
The meeting took place on Wednesday and after the meeting sent an e-mail telling him how much of a *** he was being toward the whole audience. Priscilla who worked there told me they would be calling everyone. I later found out this was miscommunicated in a later phone call. He didn't know it was me who sent that e-mail. I sent it because it was my perspective and didn't feel it was appropriate behavior.