Having had the plumber in the 1st ime to do a 'Gas safety record' 15 months ago the next plember eventually turned up after a several failed appointments only to find the gas flue missing?!
He did the right thing in turning the gas boiler off(much to annoyance of our tenants for 2days). Only to order part and return to finish gas safety check. This boiler hadn't been touched and the only logical explanation was that the previous plumber had failed to re-attach gas flue properly or at all.
Two days later Plumber returns with wrong part and if it wasn't for landlord who was there after waiting over three hours for plumber to turn up the gas flue wouldn't have been found lying ontop of boiler.
The only was this would have been there if it had magically come undone in the month prior or if the plumber had obviously left it off. So for the past 15 months there has been carbon monoxide pumping into our tennants flat...I dread to think of anything had happened.
Total unsatisfactory incompetence from this company and don't know how they can get away for charging such obseen hourly rates when it looks like they employ 'cowboys'!!