Ordered Drugs from MyCandianPharmacy.com on March 27th 2009. I used my American Express to process transaction. After I placed order for 60 Propecia pills to test if they were the real thing I became suspicious because I never received a order confirmation. I only spent a minimal amount to test the water, however after two request for confirmation I received an E-Mail stating that it would take 3 weeks to process order. I waited two more weeks an than requested an update on order- but no reply -After 5 E-Mails. I then called the 1-800- 433 -8771 - This was an expired non working 'Charles Scwab' Stock Brokerage number - I knew then that this was complete fraud.
I called American Express which charged back and refunded me my money - they indicated that they had received several on these E-Pharmacy operations in Russia, India and Ukrane.
Thank God I used Amex and not a Debit and Auto Check or I would be out all the money - This is a complete scam and fraud operation - Do not go near this or others like it -
They go under several names -MyCandianPharmacy and at least 10 others which pop up when looking at legitimate sites.