This company will take your money and never deliver on promises and or commitments made, unless you lay the pressure on as heavily as you legally can you wont even receive the time of day from them.
You will be told that for only a dollar a day you can advertise your business as one of 16 exclusive businesses in your local area and specifically in your business category. They will tell you that you will get a mini web page style storefront ad with a link to your web site, link to a map, link to your e-mail, link to a coupon for your business discount offers and best of all a link to your own video screen page for your business commercials. On top of all that they will tell you that you will be posted on a revolving banner rotation within their network of 384 business categories x 5 cities of coverage for huge exposure to your business. All this for only a dollar a day.
DO THEY DELIVER ON THEIR PROMISES ? NO, NO, NO, big time NO and if they ever do, it�s not without the clients having to pull some teeth in the process just to get what they paid for. There are customers that have paid for such advertisement in full and gotten nothing at all and then been totally forgotten about. Until they make some waves or threaten legal action, they get nothing, not even a courtesy call. Their are customers that paid and only received part of what was promised. If they don't ask for it or complain, they will never get it. They play to be this huge corporation, but sorry to tell you that it is only a one man show. The webmaster hides in a basement where he creates the graphics to portray a company that is so big and claims to be never endlessly optimizing his network of MyCity domains and 130, 000 plus pages. He is either sick with a flu or who's knows why he is sick all the time. He never makes himself available and always uses other people as his up front advocates and reps.
HOW DO I KNOW ALL THIS ? I know all this because I was one of those people that were used by this individual and his company (MYCITY INC., to solicit their product and services as well to offer their franchises / licensing agreements to potential investors� world wide. What a huge embarrassment it all turned out to be. I also have signed contracts from them for the licensing of 5 major cities west of Toronto that were supposed to be up and running, but they never delivered on those promises either. Unless some other people take over that know what they are doing and have some honor and good business ethics, we could care less about the licensing. It would only tarnish our good names and cause further embarrassment to us all. In short these people and this company (MyCity Inc./ should be placed on a world wide watch and the Government of Canada should seriously reconsider them ever being accorded the opportunity to own and operate a registered corporation at all. It would save a lot of people a lot of grief.
So Businesses beware, Media Networks beware and Investors beware of anything this company offers, as it all may be nothing more than a lure and fantasy of lies.
An all out campaign is being launched against this company, their principals and some of their investors on all their sub-cultural business practices, in hopes of having them held accountable for all their misrepresentations and devious actions. If anyone else has had such experiences with the previous MyCity Designs or current MyCity Inc. and or their newly formed MyCity Info Source, please submit your story and complaints on the many websites that allow you to, as well your comments to any stories that you may encounter and read about from other writers and complainant's. Trust me their will be many of them from a lot of people that have had similar experiences with this company and their principals. Hope this complaint publication and the inside information serves to save people and their business from a lot of grief.