April 13, 2009
There are A LOT of Clerical/receptionist jobs on this site that respond to your email with some excuse of having a lot of positions available so they hired some 3rd party to handle their incoming blah blah blah... So now they have my resume with my home contact number, my email, oh yeah, and my personal address! I forwarded my resume/cover letter to about 13 places today. SIX came back to me from these liars... BE CAREFUL!!! Plus you should GOOGLE the company name if you see it in the description... Odds are it's fake...
April 7, 2009
scam when replying to job postings, sells personal information to advertisers
Answered what seemed to be an ad for a p/t office assistant, seemed like enough information to be a real posting, so sent resume with cover letter. Received an automated response saying that "due to a high volume of applicants" the company had hired "myhiringportal.com" to process resumes and applications. Was directed to their website, where they began asking for personal information. Before filling it out, did a cross-check with Google and found other people complaining of this scam. So I didn't fill in any fields (and checked their privacy policy which is equally fishy, don't sell info but provide it to their advertisers, and by sending your resume you have automatically opted in regardless of whether you register with them or not). Sure enough, I have already received another scam email from one of their "affiliates"... scam scam scam. Afraid to fill out the "unsubscribe" form, as they conveniently suggest, as I have been scammed before that way... they opt you in for TONS of other lists at that point, do not try to unsubscribe. Be very careful when replying to any job posting... so many scammers right now. Here was the job posting: http://asheville.craigslist.org/ofc/1104366843.html