I purchased a service from mypoupette.com to have a Christian Dior handbag checked for authentication. The way how this service works is that you'd take a bunch of pictures of the bag & send them to whoever it is on the other side of the website [who receives the emails from requesters/customers] & they're supposed to be the experts in knowing whether the bag is authentic or a knock-off by only examining the pictures--this step comes after you pay for the service already. The reason why & how I came about noticing them is because many sellers on ebay would use them as a way to assure potential buyers/winning bidders that the handbags they sell are authentic. It seemed that this website was created to give buyers peace of mind when purchasing an expensive designer handbag because they can get it inspected by these so-called experts & get a legitimate confirmation of the authenticity of the bag. Well, I paid my fee, did my job of providing about 30 photos of this ONE bag [snapped many photos to make sure they got a good view of every angle]...& I never heard from mypoupettet--but they sure were quick to draft my money out of my account within 24 hrs. I sent them 2 follow-up emails & still have not heard anything--as if they've fallen off the face of the earth! Damn rip-offs!!
mypoupette.com is not what ebay sellers make them seem to be! Go read complaints about them first before you even consider ANYTHING good about them. I should've done that before falling into their scam.