April 19, 2010
unauthorized charge
I bought 3 boxes of power bar type things from GotBody.com, next thing I know I am enrolled in some free week then bill me $29.95 scam called myshapemyway.com. Must be some default when you order from GotBody.com.
Now I have to wait and see if they bill me. I called and got a cancellation of this wonderful free trial then bill me scam, let's see if it is cancelled or not.
July 1, 2009
Unauthorized Charges; "Trial Membership"
Hooray! Unauthorized charges from this company I've never heard of. This is a warning for any idiot who looks at all those weight-loss spam ads and figures, "ah what the hell, why not try it?" This is the why not.
The initial pills or whatever you're getting your free trial on may not charge you, but they'll get you with "trial memberships" to random sites you've never heard of; then you'll have to fight tooth and nail in an attempt to retrieve your money.
I'm currently trying to get my bank to reverse the charge, but I'm not very hopeful. God forbid banks ever start to believe their customers over other businesses.