Being recently unemployed, I responded to a Craigslist ad for Mystery Shopper - to make a few bucks on the side while still looking for work. Corresponded via email with a Jim Mosher (prolly a fake name). Was told that I'd be sent a check which I'll be using to shop with - which sounded normal - I am after all going to be shopping, dining out, etc.. which will be "work" for me.
I get a check in the mail for a whopping $1500.00 - sent via UPS from a Tom Mid (prolly another fake name) with a Sarasota, Florida address. There were no other forms, instructions in the envelope - just the WELLS FARGO check - account name: GOLDZONE CORPORATION, based in Las Vegas.
Fishy, fishy...
Sure enough, I get the instructions from JIM MOSHER. He wanted me to deposit the check, take out some amount as my "fee", take another amount to buy something at WalMart, and THEN moneygram the remainder to someone in San Diego. Hmmm...
Sounded like a SCAM to me but I still wanted to confirm my suspicions by going to the bank - I also bank with WELLS FARGO. Sure enough, the account doesn't exist, the check won't even scan, and I was told that they have come across similar checks from the same (bogus) company.
I hope no one else falls prey to this.
Don't you just hate people who take advantage of the disadvantaged (ie unemployed, down & out, etc..)?