I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not. This is an advertising company that claims to get you paid sign-ups within a certain timeframe. They didn't deliver what they promised for me and when I tried to contact them via email to get a refund, which they claim they will do, I got no reply (however, during the time my campaign was active, they did reply to random messages regarding the campaign, so I know the email address is valid). Since the time I registered, they have redone their website and now they don't have a contact phone number listed anymore. Does anyone know anything about this company, or know how I can get a contact number? In the last message I sent them I told them I would expose them as a scam if I don't get my money within the next 2 days but they could probably care less. I want to know if I can somehow go after them legally, too.
Thanks for any help you can give me.