Attempted to buy software from these company as the price was really good. Provided credit card number for the purchase. However, they never delivered the software, and when questioned about it, they said they could no longer accept credit card charges and wanted payment from Western Union. Told them to cancel the order.
At the same time, found fraudulent credit card charges from the merchant 'MICROSOFT *ADCENTER BILL.NS.NET WA' -- 8 charges showed up over 3 weeks, from increasingly larger amounts -- started at $5.00 and got to $503.93 before I saw the charges. Called my credit card company to have the charges reversed and canceled the card.
I suspect that these web sites are connected to the fraudulent MICROSOFT *ADCENTER credit card charges. I cannot prove that at this time, but I am interested if others who have used one of these bogus web sites have later experienced fraudulent credit card charges as I described.