In my opinion, it is a huge scam. They conned my mother into a policy which they said would pay her bills and collect insurances once she passed. This cost about $1500 plus about $70/year which is absolutely ridiculous. My mother has very few assets and while she thought she was doing us a favor it ended up being a huge mistake for all involved. When we tried to call the guy who came over to my mom's, the number on his card only rang to the main company and there was no way to talk to an actual person. They also only gave 3 days to cancel. It was a huge headache and we ended up using the bank to cancel the transaction.
The fact that they meet you in your home may sound like a benefit, but it also is just another pressure ploy that insurance agents and other salesman use to get you to make a decision without taking the time to think it over or talk with an outsider.