National City Mortgage

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Category: Business & Finances

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3232 Newmark Drive, Miamisburg, Ohio, United States

Phone number: (937)910-1200

National City Mortgage Reviews

recourse April 9, 2010
deceptive lending
When I chose my mortgage program through my National City Mortgage salesman in the fall of 2007, I did so believing that the grant I was getting from the state of Maryland (for being a first-time homebuyer, having a qualifying income and buying in Baltimore City) was to be forgiven at 1/3 per year for three years and that if I sold before 3 years were up, I'd pay back the balance. Oh, No, not true. I do have the paper he showed me, but I put my signature on the next page, which says I owe it all back for selling at any time up to 4 years after purchase. Bogman, the servicing company, says I have no recourse, and I am sure I don't.
coconuts November 21, 2009
refusing payments
I came across one of the complaints that NCM refused payments and thought to let readers know it happean to me.
I made all of my months payments on time up until I lost my job and fell behind but always made the payments in full amouts until they sent it back saying " I need to make arrangment with the attorney in Oahu, who would not negotiate. I learned just the other day that NCM is no longer and have been taken over or emerged with PNC and the take over or opening day is on Nove. 9, 2009. How ironic that I got a letter to foreclose dated Nov. 4th and received Nov 14th.
Does anyone out there understand what President Obama really meant when he made supposedly a "bailout" money to help with us? Can anyone out there help.
indianacornstalk November 3, 2009
Trying to Foreclose on Us/We Haven't Missed a Payment!
Our problems with National City Mortgage began in the Fall of 2007. We had been having some serious financial problems and lapsed on our Homeowners Insurance for a short period of time that consisted of only 3 months. Being that National City likes to use Forced Placed Insurance as a form of "Punishment" they attached their overpriced and unverified form of insurance on our loan in the additional amount of $800.00 Per Month!!! Our payment was at that time $665.00 so that made the total amount due each month around $1400.00. Now we did NOT know nor understand at that time that NCM would NOT accept partial payments and we continued to pay our normal monthly payment and then pay what we could to pay down the amount of the Forced Placed Insurance they tacked on to our account for those 3 months. That's when all of our problems really began with this company. After several months of assuming that everything was OK, we receive a letter in the mail from National City with ALL of the payments from the last 6 months in them with the letter stating that not only are they not accepting our "Partial" payments they are placing our home loan in foreclosure due to us making these so-called "Partial Payments". Now mind you in that 6 month period of time they NEVER called us, NEVER notified us that they did not accept partial payments, nothing. They classified the payments as "Partial" because we did not pay the lump sum for those 3 months they tacked on the forced place insurance. Now we are in the full throws of foreclosure and are being sued and taken to court. We obtain and attorney and for several months, we haggle and negotiate a "Forbearance Agreement" Needless to say out attorney didn't do a good job in defending our interests and we ended up getting screwed in this agreement. We had to pay a total of $1250.00 for a period from November 2008 to April 2009. Which is where we are now. We have paid all of these payments without fail not missing one payment. We have struggled to pay that high payment but we have managed to squeak by. Then on October 2, 2009 out of the blue, we receive another letter from NCM stating that yet again they are activating the "Active Foreclosure" Status on our loan. Needless to say we are totally freaked out as we knew we had NOT missed one single payment. We decided that we needed to have assistance with speaking with these Rep.s at NCM as we cannot ever get a straight answer from them. We had a HOPE NOW Counselor on a 3-Way call with NCM and we spent a total of 3 Hours on the phone with 5 different people in 3 different departments to try to get to the bottom of this letter we received. We were told that we had been ONE DAY LATE with a payment in July 2009 and due to that they were reinstating the Active Foreclosure status on the loan! We literally about fell off of our chairs! One day late supposedly with a payment! We remembered that back in July of 2009 my husband spoke with a Loss Mitigation Rep., named Ms. Robin Green regarding some issues we had with payments and such and this rep. had given us permission to pay our payments on a bi-monthly basis as my husband had been laid of from one of the Big 3 Automakers
during the restructuring and eventual bankruptcy of the company. At that time we were bringing home half of our normal monthly income and to be able to pay the payment when we were paid made it somewhat easier for us to handle. Permission was given by the NCM Rep. Ms. Robin Green and she then OFFERED (This is key, her offering) to change the payment due date to the end of the month to make sure that while we were paying biweekly through the month the total payments would be in by that date. We have since found out that it was during this conversation that all of the problems came. The same Ms. Robin Green is the one that sent our loan back to Active Foreclosure status and she did so during the that conversation. Even though she had stated that she COULD HAVE sent our loan at that time to Active Status but wouldn't and then SHE is the one who then changed our due date, she is the one who now says she NEVER said that nor offered to change the date. It is clearly evident by our payment history that coincides directly at the same time we had the conversation with Ms. Robin Green.

After all of the shock of everything subsided, I then began a plan of assault. I started contacting any and all persons who I felt could help me. State Representatives, Senators, local and national media including radio, TV and Newspapers. I even have tried to make contact with Oprah and Dr. Phil. I am INCENSED at the fact that this Mortgage Company has had NO intention of EVER trying to help any homeowners keep their home. They only have ONE motive and that is to make the MOST money off of your property. National City would stand to make a healthy 100% Profit off of our home as we only had a few more years to pay on it and it is worth 2 times what we owe. I was not going to allow them to take our home after we worked so hard to do everything by the book.

I was told by the Loss Mitigation Rep. that we had to resubmit a Workout Package to see if we could POSSIBLY be re-approved for yet ANOTHER Forbearance Package. I then began collecting all the documents they needed again and sent them out on Wednesday, October 7th, 2009. Now mind you it usually takes them weeks if not months to put a a package together and to resubmit all the paperwork. How ironic after making contact with all of the legislators, media etc. that on Friday October 9th, 2009 when I called to confirm that they had received all of the paperwork I had sent that I was then informed that National City Mortgage had not only received that paperwork they had already re-figured the loan forbearance and sent the papers for our review and signature in the mail! Something is not sounding right here and I think they KNOW they are in the wrong for what they did to us. The committed emotional terrorism with us. They were laying in wait for ANY reason whatsoever to pounce on our loan to wither take the house or to obtain more fees by recalculating the agreement. I was told over the phone that indeed they are charging another $8000.00 in fees for being allegedly one day late on a payment! We have NOT signed any papers and are having our Lawyer look into the whole situation for us and I am still following up with the State Reps. and Senators to see what they can do. This mortgage company needs to be held accountable for what they are doing to its loan-holders and they need reprimanded severely for it. They should not be allowed to get away with what they are and have been doing. If it has happened to us I know it has and will happen to others. I will post a follow up to let everyone know what has happened. We need to look at filing a Class Action suit against this company for fraudulent lending practices. Good luck to all.
GeraldV October 22, 2009
Big Time Fraud!
I am pleading to the American Public... An outcry of injustice!!! Can anybody hear this? This company amongst others are getting RICHER folks while we are losing our homes one by one due to foreclosure! And what is sad about all this President Obama and Congress approved BILLIONS to help us! Read the article dated August 6, 2008, by the Associated Press, "GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE PARTNERS SUED FOR ABUSES". This article shows that National City Mortgage has approximately 37, 000 loans that are eligible for modification however there have been NO loans that they have modified at the time the article was written. Other companies are just as bad! This is a very sad thing to say about National City Mortgage to have this money available and yet not ONE loan modified!! No wonder The Treasury Department summoned 25 company executives to give them just a slap on the wrist! That is also sad to say about this whold "Home Affordable Modification Program" that was announced in March of this year. National City Mortgage along with others are definately collecting just on the interest of their portion of the "Mother Load" meaning the Bail Out money! What a SCAM! It mentioned that "billions of dollars the government is spending to help financially pressed homeowners avert foreclosures are passing through - and enriching the companies - accused of preying on the people they are suppose to be helping" !!! This is OUTRAGEOUS! National City Mortgage and company out to be ashamed of themselves for this! Don't they understand they are playing with peoples LIVES! This is CRIMINAL to say the least! This is not acceptable and we the homeowners need to stand up and say something...but to WHO?? There has been poor management of handling the "accountability" of how and when and to whom this money is spent! The laws are very ambiguous to say the least. The article mentioned that President Obama expected to help up to 4 million foreclosures has only turned out to be 200, 000! And a poor attempt at that too! I lost my job December 2007 and informed NCM so they could be informed and start any paper work that they needed. Here we are in October 2008 and I have still to have them modify my loan. They have sent me their packet to fill out 4 times already...the same packet! I have filled out each one with all the other information they want and I thought the last information I would receive from them was my loan modification but it was was a letter telling me that my house would be auctioned 14 days later. I was forced to hire an attorney to help me with this because obviously they were not going to help me, the homeowner. They seem to be working with my attorney, after giving them $1500 to help fight my case and WHO knows what that will do to my already hurting finances! This whole this is such a MOCKERY to the American public! According to this article the mortgage companies were to help approx. 4 million foreclosures but as of the date of this article only 200, 000 loans have been modified and many with little modification of their monthly payment! Who do we cry to for help? Will our Senators and Representatives hear us? Are they willing to help the American people, families & children? Or does this go down in history as being one of the biggest FARCES in history?
jcd965 August 19, 2009
national city bank is corrupt and should be abolished! Last year we had a modification done with a saveings of 80 bucks a month, due to a hard ship.As of spring of 09 we ahd another hard ship ie loss of job we talked with national city about all the new programs avalible and all they can say is your investor dosent partiscipate then we ask who is that they say fha?hello, dose any one there know there job??then they say we cant tell you who the investor is, exactly when will you tell us?Then its negotiate with the investor, huh?? Well here goes, the investor is GINNIE MAE, yes they put up the $$ that someone else has invested with them then, FHA insures the loan incase of default, by the way government agencys, now please how is it that two govenment agencys cant agree on if the are going to work with a homeowner on plans they have established??or is it the theves from the bank that dont want to give up there % of cash>I say theves because national city was bought by pnc bank with the help of tarp(taxpayer money) and the ex exicutives went out with aprox 40 millon...who is in controll??
jeff1971 August 10, 2009
Fraudulent Credit Reporting
I had a mortgage with them and I sold my home but National city shows my balance as zero however in the terms area it continues to report that I am 120days or more late on a loan with a zero balance. I have called and called and called to no result. I have mailed letters. I just dont know how to get this resolved. If anyone has any advice please let me know. So Frustrated.
susanp June 25, 2009
If anyone has a serious beef about National City mortgage fraud, post here then please go to
and tell your story. There can be success in numbers.
homeowner June 16, 2009
2nd mortgage modification
National City Mortgage counselors advised we qualified for a loan modification since my husband had lost his job and was working for himself now and I still had my full time job. They requested a 50% good faith payment to get started since this would show the approval dept we wanted to work with them. At the time I was 2 payments behind. I gave them all the information filled out the forms and faxed confirmed the information and was told by my personal rep Jaclyn everything is in line and they will be able to lower my payment by 50% but need to run to the manager. I waited 5 days did not hear back and she informed me that it was declined due to not enough income. I said I have additional deposit that will show we have other money coming in and my spouse has been making a good bit this month and sent her this info. I had to call back again after a week and was told we made to much money but explained this extra money made was just for this month next month there is not as much. She said we would have to resubmit the documents and make another payment but she felt it would be acceptable and they would offer a 25% reduction. I told her I could not give her another payment until I knew for certain this was going through. All of a sudden the 25% reduction is not good enough for you she starts saying and will not listen to a word I say she than hangs up on me and I just received a letter stating the same thing and will need to make 3 payments to avoid foreclosure. This is unbelievable! Can anyone help? I want the tax money back that was given to them they are not helping anyone but filling there pockets with my TAX MONEY!
Carol June 4, 2009
Loss Mitigation and Escrow Analysis
In November 2008 my husband was laid off and remained laid off for over six months. We requested the National City Mortgage work with us to modify our mortgage while he was unemployed so that we could keep our home. When they finally responded - in February! - with a lower payment we thought this was a good thing. We were wrong!! The modified payment was only for a 3 month period - February, March, and April. In May they would re-evaluate and see where things stood. It is now June and we have heard nothing - except that they have now lost the financial paperwork we sent them - TWICE!!

That same month we were notified that the escrow account changed - it went up by almost $300 per month! - due to an error on their part. They had put in the wrong amount for the city real estate tax. This was brought to their attention immediately and we asked for the analysis to be redone - we were told we would receive a new analysis within 10 days. It didn't happen. We asked again in April - it didn't happen. We asked again in May - it didn't happen. It is now June and it still isn't done.

I called them today - 6/4/2009 - only to find out that the 3 modified payments we made have not been credited to the account. Where are they? National City doesn't know. According to them, we haven't made a payment since December 2008. News to us!! We have cancelled checks from the bank which National City has cashed. So, where did they put our payments? Why haven't they fixed our escrow account? Also, they won't accept any payments from us toward the mortgage until the Loss Mitigation Dept. advises them that a new agreement has been signed. We haven't seen any new agreement.

When I asked to speak to the manager of the department, I was hung up on 3 times! The fourth time I finally got connected to a manager's voicemail (Ms. Jai) only to be told that the "mailbox is full - goodbye."

We don't think National City has any intention of "helping" us at all. This is all a pretense. They are simply prolonging things and waiting until they can legally make a move to take our historical home away from us, since we owe much less than the home is worth. Well, here's hoping we "beat them to the punch." I just hired an attorney to file litigation against them!! I plan to sue them for anything and everything we can get. It might cost me money, but hell will freeze before I let them have my historical home!!
T.Mayfiar April 4, 2009
Unethical Practices
My husband and I recently decided to do a refinance for a lower rate and get cash out for home renovations. I spoke with nine mortgage companies (national companies through Lending Tree and some local banks) and got "Good Faith Estimates" (GFEs) from four. National City Mortgage was in that final four since they already hold our mortgage; I was assured by their agent that they would do "everything possible to keep our business." What a lie!

The agent was cheesy and usually distracted when he spoke to me on the phone.

The good faith estimate included junk charges totaling about $1500!

He tried to rush me into closing "tomorrow" or "the next day" twice.

The fees he promised to remove were NOT removed on the second and third drafts of the GFE.

He told me in a couple of different e-mails that he had "talked to his manager" and "contacted corporate" to get rid of the fees I knew were bogus. (Is this a used car sale???) They STILL were not taken out of the final GFE.

In the closing costs, he charged us the $350 appraisal fee which we already paid. He told me we would "get a check at closing for the $350." Why would I want to finance $350 for 30 years when I've already paid it?

Each GFE came out to the same number (about $2, 000 more than we asked for in the loan, but the charges were creatively shifted to different spaces on the GFE.

The closing costs (PLUS the prepaid items) came to about $6, 000! It's important to note that since we already had our mortgage with them, we had $2, 500 in escrow.

The copy of the appraisal that we are entitled to by law has never arrived. It was done the first week in Feb. and I've called about it twice.

Overall, it was a horrible experience. The agent tried many times to talk me into a quick closing and had hidden junk fees all around the GFE. When I looked at the mortgage agreement we did with them nine years ago, I can see that we got rooked; we were young and stupid and wanted our first house, so we signed without thinking.

I told the agent that we would not be closing with them no matter what because I was so unhappy. I just got a letter today saying that "National City Mortgage will not approve our refi because of credit issues." Interesting. My husband and I have credit scores in the 800 range and have no credit card debt - two of the reasons the agent said they were "so eager to keep our business."

I have found a local bank that I am closing with on Thursday. 4.75% with no points for 30 years. Closing and prepaid totals $3, 100. No one at this local bank works on commission. Dealing with the local bank was a pleasant experience from day one.

DO NOT use National City Mortgage unless you are ok with being ripped off!!!

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