About 5 months ago I was contacted by NCS out of no where and said I had a account in negative from 12/2008 and that I ordered DvDs and never paid. I almost dropped dead in my seat. I never have ever opened nor had a BMG music account in my life and they were saying it was mine in which i denied. Then I called bmg music and they said it was under investigation and that they were going to remove it from my credit and make sure it gets taken care. I did not pay much attention to it for about 5 months until two days ago. When National Credit Solutions called my phone and said I had a new BMG music account from 6 years ago now???????? I told the guy about what happened 5 months ago and did not know what happened and he almost mocked me. I dont understand?? If I talked to NCS 5 months ago why did they not bring the debt from 6 years ago??? and from 12/2008???
These people are are scammers and if this has happened to you please file compaints with the Federal Trade Commission and The attorney General within your state and within Oklahoma and New York.